One more blog about guns and race. There is a law in Texas that allows homeowners to shoot any intruders on their property. The idea is that under the old English laws the home is a man's castle. Now a man has taken this law to the extreme and there is actually a lot of people supporting him. This man saw two guys robbing his neighbor's house. He called 911 and reported the crime and then he repeatly asked the dispatcher if he can stop the thieves. The dispatcher repeatly told him to stay in his house and wait for the police. Finally he said that he had a right to protect himself in his house and went outside. There he killed the two men leaving, shooting them in the back. How is that self-defense? He is using this law as his defense. This law didn't give anyone the right to be a vigilante. Even the police would have to warn a suspect before firing. How can an ordinary citizen be allowed to ambush someone from the back? If the gun lobby does not condemn this act it would show that there only care about their so called rights and not true justice.
The dead men were illegals from Colombia. The looked black in the pictures. Whether the man would have shot them if they were white, we would never know. On 20/20 last night there was a segment where 3 white teenagers were destroying a car in a public park. This was a white suburb and many people passed by but only 1 person called 911. In the same park two black teenagers were sleeping in a car and several people called 911 reporting suspicious people in the car. Later 3 black teenagers destroyed a car and many people called 911. These people all said that they would have called 911 if the teens were white. Yet earlier only 1 person had done so when the destroyers were white. Also there is no law against sleeping in the car in a park during daytime so why all the calls for the blacks sleeping?
I still stand by my statement from the last blog that I think there is less prejudice now than forty years ago. But we still stereotype big time. A person who called 911 when he saw two blacks sleeping in the car may welcome a black friend of his children into his house. But deep in his mind unknown blacks are still dangerous. We incarcerate more people than all western nations. Most of them black or Hispanic. We even incarcerate more people per capita than China, a nation with a poor human rights record. Yet we are less safe in our streets than in any western nation. I am not saying that gun control is the answer but arming everbody and passing so called self-defense laws like the one in Texas, are certainly not the right answers.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
There has been at least 6 school shootings in the country from Feb. 4 to Feb. 14. I only read about two of them, one is in the county that I live in, otherwise I would have only heard of the one at Northern Illinois. We are so used to this type of things that most of us would have missed 5 out of this 6 events. In the past whenever a shooting occurs there is a call for tighter control of guns. Now there is actually calls for letting students, at least in colleges, be armed. Some want people be able to carry guns in churches, malls and libraries because shootings have occurred in these places as well. While it can be argued that gun control alone may not reduce murders, it would be nonsense to believe that if everyone is armed that we would actually be safer.
The shooting that occured in our area involved a middle school boy killing another boy who is gay. While activists are demanding that the school increase sensitive teaching, I do not think that prejudice is the main reason why this boy died. When I was a student in the Detroit public schools there was way more prejudice than today. It was not unusual for me to hear racial slurs on the little league field. There is no way that would be tolerated today. Fights occurred regularly between racial groups back then. The difference was that fists were the weapons of choice then. I don't know how a 14 year old got a gun but is not hard to do so today. So instead of punches now there are shots. Which is more deadly? I am sure there was plenty of road rage in the 60's. But people would just give each other the finger. I never heard of someone shooting someone else for cutting in front of him back then. If everyone is carrying guns, the number of angry encounters that end with shots being fired will increase dramatically.
I read somewhere that even trained police officers hit their targets accurately only about 8 percent of the time. So if someone fires away in a crowded lecture hall, even if someone else has a gun what are the chances that he will hit the shooter instead of some other people. What if several people respond at the same time by pulling out guns at Northern Illinois? I think the death toll would have been higher than 5. I don't have a great answer for all these shootings but arming everyone is definitely not the right answer.
The shooting that occured in our area involved a middle school boy killing another boy who is gay. While activists are demanding that the school increase sensitive teaching, I do not think that prejudice is the main reason why this boy died. When I was a student in the Detroit public schools there was way more prejudice than today. It was not unusual for me to hear racial slurs on the little league field. There is no way that would be tolerated today. Fights occurred regularly between racial groups back then. The difference was that fists were the weapons of choice then. I don't know how a 14 year old got a gun but is not hard to do so today. So instead of punches now there are shots. Which is more deadly? I am sure there was plenty of road rage in the 60's. But people would just give each other the finger. I never heard of someone shooting someone else for cutting in front of him back then. If everyone is carrying guns, the number of angry encounters that end with shots being fired will increase dramatically.
I read somewhere that even trained police officers hit their targets accurately only about 8 percent of the time. So if someone fires away in a crowded lecture hall, even if someone else has a gun what are the chances that he will hit the shooter instead of some other people. What if several people respond at the same time by pulling out guns at Northern Illinois? I think the death toll would have been higher than 5. I don't have a great answer for all these shootings but arming everyone is definitely not the right answer.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
I am going out on a limb and predict that unless Obama makes a major blunder or that there is a big skeleton in his closet, he will win the nomination. After his sweep of the Potomac primaries tonight he has taken the lead in the delegate count. Of course his consecutive victories since Super Tuesday were predictable. So basically he has just held serve during this past week. But the thing is he is winning by big margins and he is raising more money. He is also winning among white males and closing the gap with white women. It is a strong momentum. If I was Hillary I would not make my last stand at Texas and Ohio, but come out swinging now for Wisconsin. She cannot let this losing streak go to March.
I see that CNN say that even if either Obama or Clinton win all the other states by a margin of 55 to 45, he or she cannot seal the nomination. So on the surface it does not look like anyone can predict accurately who is going to win at this point. But the task for Clinton is much more daunting than that. Without a major Obama blunder there is no way that she can win the rest of the states by anywhere close to 55-45. Right now she is counting on the super delegates and Florida an Michigan to put her over the top in a close final count. I say that she needs to be well ahead before it comes down to that. Can you imagine the fallout for the democrat leadership if it is even and they decide to let Florida and Mich results stand in favor of Clinton and the super delegates go for her? Blacks would feel the whole thing was rigged and it would mean a loss in the general election for the democrats. So right now instead of being behind by around 215 delegates, Clinton has to make up over 300 votes because that is the lead Obama has right now if the super delegates that are committed to either one is not considered. So Clinton needs to reverse the trend right now starting with Wisconsin next week or it will be too late.
I see that CNN say that even if either Obama or Clinton win all the other states by a margin of 55 to 45, he or she cannot seal the nomination. So on the surface it does not look like anyone can predict accurately who is going to win at this point. But the task for Clinton is much more daunting than that. Without a major Obama blunder there is no way that she can win the rest of the states by anywhere close to 55-45. Right now she is counting on the super delegates and Florida an Michigan to put her over the top in a close final count. I say that she needs to be well ahead before it comes down to that. Can you imagine the fallout for the democrat leadership if it is even and they decide to let Florida and Mich results stand in favor of Clinton and the super delegates go for her? Blacks would feel the whole thing was rigged and it would mean a loss in the general election for the democrats. So right now instead of being behind by around 215 delegates, Clinton has to make up over 300 votes because that is the lead Obama has right now if the super delegates that are committed to either one is not considered. So Clinton needs to reverse the trend right now starting with Wisconsin next week or it will be too late.
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
It is amazing that we have this exciting sport event in our country with millions of people watching world wide. And this year's event is bigger and more dramatic than all other years. Yes, I am talking about the Ballot Bowl. (CNN's phrase) While I liked this year's Super Bowl, I find Super Tuesday more exciting and interesting. The following are some lame observations I have about this historic day.
It is an advantage to be on the west coast for sporting events, whether it is MNF, the World Series or the election. By the time I get home from work MNF just got started and I can watch the whole game before going to bed. Last night I got home for the east coast result and stayed up till Calif's winners were announced. Most of the people in the east would have gone to sleep way before that. Of course even we didn't get the American Samoa results. Not even today!
Home field advantage is more important in elections than sports. Romney lost almost everywhere except where he lived: Mich, Mass, and Utah. Clinton won NY but also Arkansas even though she denounced it to run in NY. Obama won Illinois but also Kansas because his mother was from there. By this reasoning Shawn Kemp should run because he has fathered children in all 50 states.
John McCain must have made up with the conservatives to be winning so easily. I mean Rush Limbaugh with his 11 million or so listeners must have turned out for him or how else did he beat two conservatives? What? Limbaugh is against McCain? You mean he is like Ann Coulter?
Speaking of Ann Coulter, I think I remember seeing someone looking exactly like her at the Democratic convention in 1968. She sure looks like a woman's liber. She said that if McCain is the nominee then "Hillary is our girl." Sounds like something a person from NOW may say. The woman in 1968 was a McCarthy liberal and was so angry that Humphrey won that she vowed not to support the Democratic nominee. As a result Nixon won and the Democrats were in disarrayed. I am sure the Democrats would be happy to be receiving the gift this year.
Buy your cigars for the smoke filled rooms in Denver in August. The Democratic nomination will be decided then. Bring out the old time party bosses and mafia for this. In the interest of political correctness (not wanting to offend blacks and women), the Democrats are declaring both Clinton and Obama winners of Tuesday. She won more votes, he won more states. As far as the delegates are concerned, nobody has an exact count. Their formula to distribute the delegates are intentionally confusing so that nobody can figure it out. This way they can do a poll in August and see who is most popular in the country and then give the nomination to that person without worrying about how many delegates he or she has. Get it?
Nobody noticed this but Obama lost Calif. not because of whites, half of whom voted for him, nor because of Hispanics, 40% of whom voted for him. He lost because Asians voted 70-30 against him in Calif. Could it be that Asians are more prejudiced than whites and Hispanics? I don't want Asians to be considered racists so I am volunteering my services to help Obama. For example I would change Obama's name. Chinese have trouble with foreign names. They probably confused Obama's middle name Hussein with that of a certain Iraqi dictator. That is not good. I would change it to Dentzel Washington. It reminds everybody of George and Dentzel is very popular among pirated movies in China. So popular that they confuse him with Will Smith on the cover of the box sometimes. So by using the name Washington there are 3 chances for name recognition and that will beat Hillary whom people are confused with Bill.
Until I get the call from the Chinese Olympic team or the Obama campaign, I'll look forward to Saturday's sporting events.
It is an advantage to be on the west coast for sporting events, whether it is MNF, the World Series or the election. By the time I get home from work MNF just got started and I can watch the whole game before going to bed. Last night I got home for the east coast result and stayed up till Calif's winners were announced. Most of the people in the east would have gone to sleep way before that. Of course even we didn't get the American Samoa results. Not even today!
Home field advantage is more important in elections than sports. Romney lost almost everywhere except where he lived: Mich, Mass, and Utah. Clinton won NY but also Arkansas even though she denounced it to run in NY. Obama won Illinois but also Kansas because his mother was from there. By this reasoning Shawn Kemp should run because he has fathered children in all 50 states.
John McCain must have made up with the conservatives to be winning so easily. I mean Rush Limbaugh with his 11 million or so listeners must have turned out for him or how else did he beat two conservatives? What? Limbaugh is against McCain? You mean he is like Ann Coulter?
Speaking of Ann Coulter, I think I remember seeing someone looking exactly like her at the Democratic convention in 1968. She sure looks like a woman's liber. She said that if McCain is the nominee then "Hillary is our girl." Sounds like something a person from NOW may say. The woman in 1968 was a McCarthy liberal and was so angry that Humphrey won that she vowed not to support the Democratic nominee. As a result Nixon won and the Democrats were in disarrayed. I am sure the Democrats would be happy to be receiving the gift this year.
Buy your cigars for the smoke filled rooms in Denver in August. The Democratic nomination will be decided then. Bring out the old time party bosses and mafia for this. In the interest of political correctness (not wanting to offend blacks and women), the Democrats are declaring both Clinton and Obama winners of Tuesday. She won more votes, he won more states. As far as the delegates are concerned, nobody has an exact count. Their formula to distribute the delegates are intentionally confusing so that nobody can figure it out. This way they can do a poll in August and see who is most popular in the country and then give the nomination to that person without worrying about how many delegates he or she has. Get it?
Nobody noticed this but Obama lost Calif. not because of whites, half of whom voted for him, nor because of Hispanics, 40% of whom voted for him. He lost because Asians voted 70-30 against him in Calif. Could it be that Asians are more prejudiced than whites and Hispanics? I don't want Asians to be considered racists so I am volunteering my services to help Obama. For example I would change Obama's name. Chinese have trouble with foreign names. They probably confused Obama's middle name Hussein with that of a certain Iraqi dictator. That is not good. I would change it to Dentzel Washington. It reminds everybody of George and Dentzel is very popular among pirated movies in China. So popular that they confuse him with Will Smith on the cover of the box sometimes. So by using the name Washington there are 3 chances for name recognition and that will beat Hillary whom people are confused with Bill.
Until I get the call from the Chinese Olympic team or the Obama campaign, I'll look forward to Saturday's sporting events.