On this Memorial Day, as we honor those heroes who sacrificed for us, we must be careful to not get into needless conflicts that will kill our soldiers and those of other countries. At this moment I am talking about a possible conflict with Iran. We are sending an aircraft carrier to the area and more troops are also being sent. I have not seen any evidence that Iran is on the verge of attacking us. Trump even said that if Iran wants to fight us, it will be the official end of Iran. If that is the case, what danger are we under that we have to act right now? Surely Iran does not want to meet its official end!
I think the reason that people like John Bolton are sending the message that we may attack Iran is that these people want regime change. Just like the neocons in the Bush administration who wanted regime change in Iraq post 9/11. I will give Trump some credit in that, at least for now, he is rebuffing Bolton's escalation of tension. Maybe he remembered that he was against going into Iraq when Bush decided to do so. Bush listened to people like Cheney and we know how things turned out in Iraq. By the way, if a war breaks out between the U.S. and Iran today, Iraq would be on Iran's side. We have the Iraq war to thank for that change of allegiance.
I am tired of the chicken hawks who want to send Americans into harms way to serve their agenda, which are against American interests. This is especially true of people like Bolton and Cheney who avoided fighting in Vietnam themselves but are willing to send our troops for regime change in Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Venezuela etc. I think that if a leader who proposes a war, he himself must put on an uniform to serve in that war. Not only that, his children and grandchildren should also be drafted and sent to combat. If you think that a war should be fought, shouldn't your family be willing to participate? I bet there will be less hawks in D.C. if that is the law.