Having written about the Democratic convention each day last week, I will write about the GOP this week. This is going to be hard to do as I get angry listening to what some of the speakers have to say. Of course I only watch the highlights (or lowlights). I can't possibly sit through these speeches in their entirety. I couldn't even do that with the Democrats either.
So the first night the GOP bring out their diversity starting lineup, Nikki Haley, Tim Scott and Hershel Walker. I would be interested who they have coming off the bench the next three days. From what I can see, they did very good jobs. I think Haley is eyeing for a 2024 run. So we may very well have two Indian women competing for the presidency in 4 years!
Trump had said that the Democratic convention was dark and his will be uplifting. Yet the picture the GOP painted if Biden wins is most very scary and dark. It was obvious they were trying to scare white people into voting against Biden. The St. Louis couple who pointed guns at protesters said so as much.
Donald Jr.'s speech could have been lifted from one of his dad's. It was full of lies and hyperbole. The greatest economy ever? The China virus? Beijing Biden? It was deflection of blame by using China just as his dad. His eyes looked watery. Does he have allergies or has he been crying? His girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle made Don Jr. look soft spoken. I think she was channeling Howard Dean. Wasn't she used to be married to Gavin Newsome? Talk about changing teams. This is more like changing planets!
There was no sympathy for the COVID victims. There was no taking responsibility for the pandemic response. In fact they tried to change history by saying how well they have done. I don't think any objective observer would buy this. This was all trying to play to the base and Trump himself. I understand Melania is speaking tonight. Who will she copy off this time? I am not sure I can stomach 3 more days of this but I will try.