This is democracy in action? China and Russia are laughing at us after the so called debate tonight. It was more like a wrestling match, WWE style. Trump was hitting below the belt, throwing chairs at Biden and punching when referee Chris Wallace was trying to break it up. Biden was trying to stay calm and play by the rule. I wish that he would have pull on Trump's wig and put him on a choke hold!
It was expected that Trump would come out swinging and try to drag Biden into the mud and force him to make errors. But I think Trump overplayed his hand. He interrupted way too much and frankly did not even give Biden a chance to make a mistake. He went against the previously agreed rules for the debate so much that Wallace had to try to rein in many times. Wallace was not successful (who would have?) But Wallace, I thought, actually helped Biden by challenging Trump to answer his own questions and not interrupt Biden. There was almost a separate debate between Wallace and Trump. Given that this is a Fox News debate, it was better moderated for Biden than expected.
I think that Biden could have hit Trump harder. For example, when Trump claimed that if Biden was president there would have been many more dead from COVID. All Biden had to say was that if Trump did such a great job, why is the U.S. so much worse off than other countries? Trump is obviously worse than the leaders of almost every country in the world. When Trump attacked Biden's intelligence, saying he was last in his college class, Biden could have said: "I didn't need to pay someone to take my SAT. Also my doctor did not order a dementia test for me!" Sometimes you have to respond to a punch below the belt with a kick to the groin.
Trump once again refuses to refute white supremist groups and violence. Instead he gave a shout out to the Proud Boys, a neo Nazi group, and told them to stand back and stand by. The GOP can say that it is not a call to the group to get ready to battle. But the Proud Boys are rejoicing and so you know how they interpreted that remark by Trump. This is the exact type of chaos Russia, China and Iran like to see in our political process.
This debate probably won't change the minds of many people. But if Trump and his supporters think that this will close the gap between the two, I don't think so. Biden was not great but he held serve and given how badly this debate was, I am sure the ratings for the other two will be lower. So there will be less chance for Trump to make up ground. There are no winners tonight but Biden's supporters will be relieved. The loser, however, is American democracy.