It looks like the Democrats are going to try to pass the 1.9 trillion stimulus bill regardless whether they get any Republican support. The few GOP senators who want to participate want a bill of 6 billion. This is way less than economists think would do any good. There are some who think that 1.9 trillion is still not enough. I am no economist so I don't know how much is the right amount. But given the dire situation of many Americans, I think you have to go big, even if it is not bipartisan like Biden wants.
When Obama took over the recession in 2009, he tried to rally Republican support. So his bail out and stimulus plans were not as big as he wanted. It turned out, he got no GOP support anyway. So it is foolish to think in this post Trump era, we are going to get more bipartisan. It turned out that the stimulus Obama put in was less than optimal in retrospect. Despite the outcry of Republicans against the bailouts, they claimed later that the recovery was too slow because not enough was done. So there will be no satisfying the GOP no matter what. Even Obamacare, which is very similar to Romneycare in Mass. has been attacked ad nauseum by the Republicans. So I think Biden and the Democrats should seize the moment and pass what they want instead of waiting for a few Republicans to join them.
I do agree that the minimum wage bill is not included in the stimulus bill. That bill will not help the dire situation right now and we should pass what is passable right away. I don't know if $15 is a reasonable goal and whether that is good or bad for most people. But I don't think it should be a national law to almost double the wage over a few years. Here in California, the minimum wage is $14 starting this year. Given the standard of living in California, it is justified. But that should not be the same in states where the cost of living is much lower. In fact, I think a study should be done in a few years to compare states with minimum wages higher than $15 vs those who are less and see how it affects the workers, the small business owners and the economy in general. Then we can see whether higher minimum wages is better or not.