Dr. Sanjay Gupta is one of my heroes. He is a neurosurgeon, a journalist and an author. I have just about finished his book on the brain and found out yesterday he is already having another book out next week. Does this guy ever sleep? His new book is about COVID called World War C. I am sure it will be good but I am not sure I want to read it since I have been reading about this disease and the pandemic a lot lately. As he is making his round promoting his book on CNN and other places, I do have something I disagree with him.
Gupta was asked whether he thinks COVID was leaked from the Wuhan Lab. He said as a scientist he believes that most likely it was from nature and not leaked from a lab. But he went on and said that it bothers him that if it is not leaked, why doesn't China make it transparent to the rest of the world? He pointed out that a small pox outbreak had happened in a UK lab and they admitted to it at that time. I agree with transparency, but how do you prove a negative?
China let the WHO into the lab. They did not find any evidence. But could they have hidden any evidence or erased them? Yes, of course they could have. But if there was no leak, how do they prove that there was no leak? It is like if I accuse you of murder but you must prove to me that you did not commit it. You may have an alibi but if I don't believe your alibi, what can you do? In this case, what evidence can China come up with that show there was no leak? Even if they have evidence, the Western media would not buy it anyway.
That is why China tries to deflect by calling on the U.S. to be transparent about the shutting down of Fort Detrick lab in the U.S. during 2019. What was leaked there, China wanted to know. Of course, the U.S. is not going to allow WHO to go into Fort Detrick to investigate due to national security concerns. So China said that they have national security concerns as well. So there is no apparent resolution in this and that is why when Biden asked the CIA to come up with the answer in a few weeks, it was laughable.
On a lighter note, the Dodgers finished with the second best record in baseball but has to play a wild card game against a surging Cardinals team. If they win, they get the Giants who has the best record. So one of the top two teams in baseball will be out after the division round. Does not seem fair, but it is what it is. They had an abundance of starting pitchers before the season but with all the injuries, I am sure how far they can go anyways. Kershaw is out again so Urias with have to start and can't be used in big relief situations like last year. So will see. The Giants earned the division title though. They just played great, way above expectations.