Monday, May 29, 2006

It is nice that the Democrats and Republicans in the House are agreeing on something. Unfortunately, the thing they agree on is that the Justice department acted illegally in confiscating records from the office of Congressman William Jefferson. I am no Constitution scholar but I assume the judge who ordered the warrant knows something about the law. I don't see how this has anything to do with the separation of powers between the branches of government. By using this technicality it appears that the Congress want to be treated differently than ordinary Americans when they are accused of a crime. This is amazingly insensitve and stupid in view of the recent allegation of bribery scandals involving Congressmen.

Now Bush is getting himself involve by sealing the documents seized while the Justice department and Congress negotiate. The Attorney General and FBI directors are hinting that they may resign if the President forces them to return the documents. I will give the Republicans some credit for not making this a partisan issue. Nevertheless, for a party that takes pride in their law and order agenda, I would expect that they treat government officials at least as harsh as the average citizen accused of crimes. Having monitored people's phone conversations without warrants, now Bush is worried that a document seizure backed by a warrant is against the law? My conclusion? There are more people in our government who are worried that their documents will be subpoenaed soon and they are afraid that if they don't answer the subpoena quick enough, their documents will also be seized. This may not be the right conclusion but I believe it is closer to the truth than the theory that Hastert and Pelosi are doing this for principle. Who knows where Abramhoff will lead us to?

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