Monday, July 07, 2008

Last week Chuck Hagel, a Republican senator from Nebraska, refused to endore McCain. He hinted that he would be willing to work in the Obama administration. Hagel and McCain were good friends. Hagel was also a Vietnam war hero. He was, however, strongly against the Iraq war. For him to come out against McCain must mean that he does not believe McCain has what it takes to be a good president. I don't think Hagel is a vp choice for Obama as some have suggested. But he would be willing to accept a national security post which would boost Obama's credential in that area not to mention showing bipartianship.

Some Republicans are upset at Hagel and some Democrats are upset at Lieberman for supporting McCain. I don't have problems with either one of them. This is not a matter of loyalty to a party. One should be loyal to the country and support whomever one believes is the best candidate. I won't hold it against Lieberman even though Obama had supported Lieberman in the past. I do think that Lieberman is wrong about McCain especially since he had to correct McCain a couple of times while they were on a Middle East trip together. Lieberman must know that McCain is not very knowlegible about foreign affairs. Is he trying to be the first vp candidate for both parties?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:44 AM

    Wow, I did not hear about Lieberman endorsing McCain. It doesn't surprise me because he's been pretty moderate at times. I actually have no problem with guys going against party lines as long as they truly believe in who they're endorsing. I'd hate to see someone do so for political gain.

    As for Lieberman becoming a VP candidate, forget about it. McCain would be insane to have him as his VP choice. He couldn't help Kerry and he's an older guy too.



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