Monday, September 20, 2010

I don't have any problem with the Tea party trying to win seats in Congress. Some of the candidates like Rand Paul are not bad. But some are just awful. Take this Christine O'Donnell who has won the GOP nomination for senator out of Delaware. I don't really have problems with her so called dabbling in witchcraft as she put it in Bill Maher's show 11 years ago. She didn't really claim she was a witch and this happened many years ago. No witch hunt needed here. But the fact that she has not had a real job in several years and living on money from previous campaign donations surely should not give anyone confidence that she is capable of being a senator. I understand there is a backlash against incumbents and "inside" politicians but it is obvious that this person is not qualified. All she says are pedestrian things like "restoring America". What the hell does that mean? She doesn't give any idea what we are restoring or how. She refuses to answer any charges against her and only says that she has not done anything wrong. How can anyone vote for someone like that?

I am not saying that the GOP mainstream or the Democrats don't have their unethical people. Charles Rangel won his primary and will be reelected even though he is under ethical charges. But I mean if you are against government crooks, why are you so easily pursuaded by crooks outside the government trying to get in. I mean I can say all those rhetorics such as smaller government, lower taxes, restoring America, bring back morality to the country etc. You should all send me money so that I can run for office and spend the money afterward for myself.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:25 PM

    I don't even know how they get these people to run for office. I have to wonder about someone's character that runs for office. Really. Do people still read what these candidates stand for or do they blindly support someone just because they want change?

    Oh yeah, the candidates really don't say anything of substance anyway. It's all about soundbites these days and catch phrases and of course money.

    It will be interesting to see if the Dems can hold onto their seats against the Tea Party candidates but it doesn't look good right now.



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