Monday, October 22, 2012

I think Obama again defeated Romney in today's debate.  I think this was Romney's weakest debate of the three.  He basically agreed with Obama on most of his foreign policies.  In an attempt to move more to the middle he now tries to paint himself as a peace maker!  He now agrees with the sanction on Iran, with military action only a last resort.  He agrees that we should be out of Afghanistan by 2014.  One commentator actually said that McGovern has come back to life in the form of Romney.  Obama rightly points out that Romney kept changing his mind.  I think the Republican conservative base must be shocked by what Romney said tonight.

I don't like to use one issue to decide on a candidate but Romney said something that show how much understanding he lacks on foreign affairs.  He said that Iran is our greatest national security threat. This is totally absurd.  If and when Iran actually gets nuclear weapons, it will still has lot less bombs than about 8 other countries in the world.  In truth no nation will attack the U.S. because it know it will be destroyed.  Russia is the only one that can destroy us but even they will die as a result.  So no nation will try to use nuclear weapons against us.  Even if you are trying to pander to Israel, it is still irresponsible to say Iran is our greatest risk.  I am surprised that no commentator on CNN called him out on it.  Obama said terrorism is our biggest threat.  It is a much better answer but still not right in my opinion.  I think cyber attack is the greatest unless you consider that a type of terrorism.  Cyber attack does not require a strong nation or lots of people.  Cyber attack can stop our traffic, communications, electric grid, financial system, even our water supply.  So I think greater resources need to be spent on preventing this.

Overall grades for the 3 debates:  Romney:  B+ B C+   Obama:  C- A- A-


  1. Anonymous12:02 PM

    I held off on writing until I read your latest blog. Tons of red flags last night, even though I only watched bits and parts of the debate, since it was during Monday Night Football.

    You may recall that I called for Romney to move more to the middle before the election. Maybe his handlers are reading your blog.

    The problem is, he's blatantly become this moderate in front of our eyes. This causes me to think the man will say and do anything to be elected.

    Obama had a few good one liners and it's too bad that the Obama we saw the last two debates didn't show up for the first one.

    The damage may have been done. The next two weeks will be interesting. Do you think it'll come down to Gore/Bush proportions?


  2. Romney went beyond the center. He may have been left of Obama last night. He congratulated Obama for getting bin Laden but then said that you can't shoot your way out of trouble. Isn't this the position of the liberals?

    Basically they are running for president of Ohio. Whoever wins Ohio will win the presidency. So if Ohio cannot declare a winner on election night then we will go to bed that night without knowing who is the next president! It is also possible that Romney wins the popular vote but Obama wins the election. I think there are a few possible scenarios for Obama to get to 270 electoral college vote whereas Romney must win both Florida and Ohio to do so.


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