Monday, October 07, 2013

So one week into the shutdown and no sign of resolution.  Now the GOP want negotiation over spending cuts before raising the debt ceiling.  I am very tired of these tactics to put the nation onto brink of financial catastrophe just because a small minority believe that Obamacare and taxes are the most evil things in the country.  I can guarantee that if Obamacare continues without obstruction and our deficits continue at the current rate, the world will not end.  On the other hand, if we default on our debts, I will bet that we would have a world crisis right away.

Attaching demands to the budget and debt ceiling is like putting earmarks (pork) into bills--something that would not pass on its own merit.  If the GOP want to get rid of Obamacare, pass a bill to get rid of it.  If the GOP want to cut certain expenses to balance the budget, pass a bill to do so.  Do not try to attach these things to something else because you can't pass these things on their own merit.  It would be like the Democrats refusing to pass the budget unless guns are banned.  Would the GOP negotiate over that?

After the last debt ceiling crisis, we had the super committee to try to cut the deficit. If failed as expected.  So there is no chance that we can come up with something now in less than two weeks.  I think if we are serious about the deficit, we should put out a national referendum as to what things to cut and what taxes to raise, if any.  Each side will propose cuts and/or tax reform.  The people will vote on each proposal.  Maybe this will work or maybe it won't.  We may find that people don't want to cut anything and don't want to raise taxes.  But at least this is a true democracy where all people can have a voice.  Right now our so called representative democracy is not working as a small minority is holding the majority hostage.


  1. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Couldn't agree with you more. Do you think Boehner believes anything that he's been saying in the press or is he being strong armed by the Tea Party? I don't see why some of the more moderate Republicans don't stand up to the Tea Party. I've gotta believe that the Tea Party is still a minority in the GOP.

    On a lighter note, I was surprised to hear that Valerie Harper was voted out of Dancing with the Stars, a show that I DO NOT WATCH. I would have thought that she would have received sympathy votes and would be around for a couple more weeks.

    It probably didn't help that Bill Engvall scored higher than expected on his Lone Ranger dance the week before.

    As far as baseball goes, I was happy to see the Dodgers advance. The Tigers are in a must-win situation today. I predict that they will win and go back to Oakland.

    Now, I know that my head picked Oakland to win the series last week, but I think in a deciding 5th game, that Oakland will have a harder time. Eventually the Tiger bats will come alive.


  2. The Tea Party is a minority in the GOP but there is enough of them to boot Boehner out if he ignores them. Certainly if Boehner calls for a vote, the budget will pass with moderate Republicans and Democrats. The question is: what legacy does he want to leave.

    I was surprise that Harper is out. She is the worst dancer but given her illness and age, I would think she deserves to stay a little longer.

    Just saw the Tigers win. I agree with you. I think Verlander will come through. But just in case, can they bring back his former girl friend?


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