Sunday, October 05, 2014

The chief executive of HK is putting tomorrow as the deadline for the demonstrators to move out of the streets.   Exactly what he would do if the demonstrators don't move is unknown.  But this is a fight that the protestors cannot win.  As I said before, there is no international pressure on China.  China can shut off the water supply to HK and blockade its port and that will bring HK to its knees.  Of course, China would not want to go this far.  But the average people in HK is not going to put up with the financial costs of the demonstrations either.  Already the demonstrations have cost millions to the economy and fights between people in HK have broken out.  So I think it is time to pull back.

Frankly I am disappointed in the silence from the UK.  Having negotiated the agreement with China to return HK to control of China, the UK can and should voice its displeasure over China going back on its word of letting HK govern itself.  I understand that since the UK was HK's colonial master, it is hard to complain about another country denying political freedom for HK.  But having negotiated the treaty on behalf of HK, the UK certainly can complain about China's deviation from the freedom that it promised to give HK for 50 years.

Bad week for Detroit sports.   The Tigers got swept by the Orioles even though they should have won 2 out 3 games.  The incompetent Lions lose to the terrible Bills at home after a 14-0 lead.  How do you explain sports.  The Angels, with the best record, got swept by KC.  Clayton Kershaw losing a 6-1 lead!  I guess sports is thrilling and heartbreaking.  I learned a long time ago not to get to involved since at the end only the fans of one team is totally happy!  That is a lesson I only learned as I got old.  It comes in handy especially after this weekend!


  1. Anonymous2:43 PM

    The HK situation is getting larger, but it's not huge like others we've seen. I don't know if it's because there aren't that many Hong Kong people here or if the attitude is different.

    There are protests at Michigan State, so that's a start. However, with the deadline, it'll be interesting to see if the demonstrations will continue. No one wants blood shed. I am really surprised that the police there are being as violent as they are.

    I wonder where some of the police are from. If they are native HK people, they should protect and serve their own before the Central Government.

    Of course, that's easy for me to say! I'd probably chicken out and hide somewhere!

    Bad weekend for Detroit sports. I really thought the Tigers would do better. Some bone headed coaching by Ausmus. There's talk here that he might be fired because Gardenhire (spelling is incorrect) was let go in Minnesota.

    The Lions shot themselves in the foot (which, someone with a shot foot would probably kick better than Henery). Add to that, Megatron and Bush and Bell being hurt didn't help things at all. Still, they had a chance to win the game had Henery made one field goal. He was waived today, by the way.

    At least MSU won, so they can be the heroes for the state!


  2. It is interesting that you brought up the police action in HK. HK is generally very peaceful and low crime rate for a crowded city. The only other time that I know of when the police used tear gas and force was in 1966, the year my family left HK. It started as a protest over a fees hike on the ferry between HK and Kowloon. But of course it was not just of that but more of anger over lack of democracy in colonial rule. Most of the cops in the streets were Chinese but they were taking orders from British police officers. When the riot lasted 3 days, the British military which has a station in HK was called in and curfew imposed. Eventually the riot was put down with one person dead, I believe. This is almost the same today with HK police taking orders from police commissioner appointed by China and Chinese military on stand by. As in 1966 it is not a battle that people of HK can win. But over the next 30 years after the riot of 66, HK people have shown they are tough and smart and eventually earned the admiration of the British. So changes come slowly and certainly we are not going to win this time and there is no reason to lose any life and cause severe economic damage now. Live to fight another day!

    MSU is the overwhelming favorite for the Big Ten title. But unless they run the table and get more help, I don't see them making the playoffs. I mean a lot can happen but with Oregon losing and only OSU being a good team left on the schedule, a lot of teams will have to have 2 losses for MSU to leapfrogged them. By the way, how is it that MSU is ahead of Oregon when both have one loss and Oregon beat MSU?


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