Sunday, October 25, 2015

Hey, the big election is over!  I am, of course, talking about the Canadian election.  Justin Trudeau, the son of the former prime minister Pierre, has led the liberal party to victory over conservative Steven Harper.  This ends the ten year reign of Harper.  I am not an expert in Canadian politics so I am hoping that anyone living near the Canadian border may have insight about this election.  Meanwhile, I have a few comments.

I remember that Trudeau's parents were compared to the Kennedys.  So this would be like John Jr. surviving and becoming president.  Pierre was 30 years older than Margaret.  She was obviously much better looking than him.  So I guess Justin must take after his mother since supposedly his good looks help him get elected.  So how much is looks and name have to do with this election or did the election simply turn on people's view of Harper?

Harper and Obama did not see eye to eye over things like Keystone, strategy in the Middle East and climate change.  So Obama is probably happy that Trudeau won even though he won't have much time to work with him.  While I can't say that Canadians and American voters are the same, I think they are similar.  So going for the more liberal agenda would please the Democrats.  For example, Harper had cut spending and Trudeau has promised to go into deficit to stimulate the economy.  But of course, the voters in Canada might just got tired of the Harper administration after ten years and want a change,  That would be bad omen for the Democrats.  So will see what happens next year.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

I think it would be a mistake for Biden to get into the race now.  Clinton did well during the debate and I don't think that Biden or anyone else can take the nomination from her.  If she had stumbled during the debate then Biden may have had an opening.  But she did not stumble so if Biden gets in now he would lose badly.  Then if a big scandal comes out on Clinton that forces her out, Biden would not be looked upon as a savior if he had lost whole bunch of primaries.  I think the only chance for Biden is to stay out and be a good soldier for the party.  Then if something happens to Clinton, then he would be coming in unscathed.

It is funny that Trump blames Bush for 9/11.  I don't think he understands the world and why things happen.  But if he wants to blame his own party, go ahead.  I wonder if he blames FDR for Pearl Harbor!  But Jeb defends his brother by saying that he kept us safe.  How? By going into Iraq before finishing the job in Afghanistan?

Can the GOP elect a new Speaker?  Moderates like Paul Ryan doesn't want the job and I don't see how the 40 or so rebels in the House can elect one of their own.  More dysfunction up ahead!

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Spencer Stone, the hero who took down the terrorist on the Belgium train, was stabbed outside a bar in Sacramento last week.   Maybe I am old but it seems to me nothing good comes being inside or outside a bar at 1 am.  In any case, the police are looking for two Asian men who apparently stabbed Stone.  The whole story is not out yet, but regardless there is no good reason for anyone to pull a weapon on someone else.  Just like there was no excuse for those guys who used a bat to kill Vincent Chin years ago, there is no excuse for these guys to stab Stone.

Of course, if those guys had a gun instead of a knife, Stone would probably be dead.  If this occurred in Florida or Texas. then these guys would plead self defense since Stone is a big and strong dude and would probably prevailed in a fight against them.  I wonder what the gun lobby and those who like the "self defense, no stand down laws" would say then?

I think knowing they have a weapon probably make it more likely that these guys would fight Stone.  It is just like Zimmerman would never approach Martin if he did not have a gun.  These laws are so stupid that if a little guy wants to kill a big guy, all he had to do was get into a fight with him.  Then he can claim self defense and shoot the bigger guy since it is obvious that he is in danger given the size difference.  Of course, without a weapon, the weaker guy would never instigate a fight in the first place!

Sunday, October 04, 2015

Putin made a speech at the UN and then had a talk with Obama last week.  After that he started the air campaign in Syria.  Critics of Obama say that Putin looked strong and decisive as oppose to Obama.  Putin, in one week, put Ukraine out of the picture and make Russia a big player in the middle east.  Obama, meanwhile, asked Putin to attack only ISIS targets and not rebels against Assad.  Obviously, Putin refused and Obama gained nothing out of the meeting.  So Putin looked strong and Obama looked week.

Well, I say so what?  The reality is Putin's decision to help Assad is easy.  Syria has always been Russia's biggest ally in the middle east, going way back when Assad's father first came to power.  So it is natural that Putin wants to help Assad stay in power.  Since the Shiite governments in Iraq and Iran are also supporting Assad, it is a good way for Putin to gain more allies.  The U.S. options are not so clear.  We don't want Assad to stay but there are no strong, democratic rebels who we can align with.  The truth is air strikes by us will not get rid of Assad or ISIS and we don't want to put boots on the ground.  Yes, we can get rid of a dictator by force.  But after our human sacrifices, is there a stable and democratic government to take the dictator's place?  Well, obviously we can't say yes after Afghanistan and Iraq.

So let Putin enjoy his spotlight.  I think down the road it would backfire on him.  He is making enemies in the Muslim world by his bombing.  Remember we saved Saudi Arabia and Kuwait from Saddam Hussein and even that gave rise to al Queda against us.  You will see more Muslims from the former Soviet republics join ISIS.  If he gets alignment with Iraq and Iran, Sunnis will be enemies of Russia.  As Russia learned in Afghanistan in the 1980s, power does not equated to victory.  I think the U.S. should just sit back and let Putin be the bad guy to the Muslim world.  We should concentrate on humanity aid.  It does not make us look tough but it is better for the long run.