Monday, September 19, 2016

So Donald Trump finally admits that Obama was born in the U.S.   But he claims that Hillary Clinton started the whole thing.  So for all those people who followed Trump's birther argument. it should be clear that Trump is either a liar or a follower of Clinton whom he calls a liar.  So a follower of a liar is still a liar, isn't it?  The whole thing is racist anyway.  None of those people came out against George Romney or Ted Cruz from running for president even though both were born outside of the U.S. for sure.  And for those who believe that Trump will build a wall and the Mexicans will pay for it, I have some ocean front property I want to sell you for cheap!

The terrorists attack over the weekend will help Trump as he is the master of stroking fear.  The truth is terrorism kills way less people in this country than ordinary murder that our own citizens perpetuate on ourselves.  Stop admitting Muslims from coming as Trump suggested will not stop terrorism but exacerbate it.  The alleged terrorists over the weekend grew up in this country and are citizens.  By singling out Muslim immigrants will only inflame those already in the country and lead to more attacks.  The truth is the national security team has done a good job after 9/11 stopping major attacks.  The lone wolf from this country is almost impossible to stop.  Any disgruntled person can make a small bomb and set it off or get a AK47 and shoot people.  There are things we can do to minimize the chance of someone being disgruntled and attack.  But inflaming a whole religious or ethnic group is not one of those things.


  1. Anonymous8:10 AM

    I tried to reply back to your blog from last week a couple of times but it keeps getting erased. I must have been too controversial!

    I made a comment to my significant other during the weekend that Trump's narrative is different when he's speaking with a teleprompter. It's like two different people speaking. This means to me that he has speech writers who are trying to soften his character so make him appeal to the general audience and that maybe what he says doesn't necessarily means what he feels.

    I don't know if this is a good strategy since a lot of his supporters are on the extreme side. I wonder if any of them are scratching their heads because the candidate on script is different from the one without one.

    So which version is the real Trump? I don't know. As someone who has followed him, I don't think he's a bad guy. I think he's just used to saying outrageous things he doesn't really mean. He has no filter. I don't think that is a good quality to have in a President. He's great for TV and sound bites though.

    I'll be the first to admit that most people who run for office don't really speak the truth. And most of them spew rhetoric so much that what they say, is what they think the truth is. I also don't think Clinton is truthful either. A problem she has is that she comes off as not very forthcoming. She also doesn't have that natural speaking ability of her husband and Obama. It's almost like she talks down to people during her town hall meetings and speeches.

    I personally don't like the stroking of fear, but it's an effective way to win votes. As always, people have to look through all the BS, which is difficult. I agree with you on what you've said. Maybe we are both naive in thinking this way. Sometimes I feel the need to take a step back and wonder if it would be better to stop admitting Muslims. Then I bounce back to reality and know that this is not the way to live life. Not much we could have done when a home grown terrorist decides to act. Luckily he was not very good at building bombs and hiding.

    Also, I was a little hesitant to hear about all these cameras in New York, but it looks like they ended up helping capture this guy.

    On a lighter note, I suspended my DirecTV for the summer and it was supposed to come back on last week. Well, there's a problem, so I have to have tech support to come out and fix it. So, I've missed the first two episodes of DWTS, (a show I don't watch, but try to keep track of so that I can discuss with you-because I know it's your favorite show).

    So I should ask you, who has looked good to you so far? I heard Calvin Johnson looked good and so did the gymnast. I got to see a news highlight of the protesters running on the floor after Lochte danced.


  2. Of course politicians lie. You can tell they are lying when their mouths are moving. An old joke about lawyers but fits politicians since they are mostly lawyers. But Trump goes beyond lying. He is insulting your intelligence with his lies. Nobody in their right mind believes that Mexico will pay for the wall. So if you believe him on that lie, well, it says more about your intelligence!

    Even if we don't let in any more Muslims, there are already millions here so if only 0.1% of them become radicalized as a result of our policy against Muslims, there will be thousands in the country ready to attack us! Why did the Viet Cong fought so hard against the U.S.? Not because they hate our democracy. It is because they hate us for siding with the French colonization of their country and supporting the puppet government of the South. We can't erase all threats and dangers. But we have a better chance if we do the right things and stick to our principle.

    The protesters were not shown on live tv even though obviously something was wrong. While the security tackled the men, Tom Bergeron quickly took the show to commercial. Lochte was already finished with his dance so his performance was not affected. He is average and will see how long he lasts based on votes. Rick Perry is the worst, I guess he can't remember the third step! Laurie Hernandez is by far the best so another gymnast is likely to win. I think she is better than Shawn Johnson a few seasons ago. Calvin Johnson is in the mix along with the race car driver.


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