Tuesday, November 08, 2016

As promised I am writing a blog on election night.  I am too angry to write much but I am keeping my promise because I am sure our next president will not.

It looks like America has elected a snake oil salesman.  I guess the majority buys the rhetoric that Trump will build a wall and Mexico will pay for it.  The majority is also naive to believe that he will bring manufacturing jobs from abroad when his own company outsources to China and other places.  So if you believe all this nonsense, I have ocean view property in Cleveland I want to sell you.

I do know the sun will rise tomorrow.   As an immigrant, like all those who came before me, I will survive this crazy man's "leadership".  Unlike Trump, I believe the strength of this country is people like me who came from elsewhere and prosper in this country, not people like him who blame immigrants for the troubles of this country.  Just wake me up in four years and we can vote him out of office.


  1. Anonymous6:37 AM

    I went to bed around my normal time but had the TV on so I kept waking up to see if there were any new results. I can't believe that it takes so long for election results to come in from New Hampshire, Michigan and Pennsylvania. It doesn't make any sense.

    As I had said before, you can't trust the polls when Trump is running. He's defied any logic and polling to get victories. This happened in the primaries and it happened in the general election. The white working class that has been hurt by the economy boosted Trump and negated the minority vote for Clinton. I do think that the report of how health insurance will go up next year also hurt her.

    So I have to give a lot of credit to Trump and his staff for winning the election. He did what it took to win the election, by hammering on people's fears and appealing to their desires.

    It's a statement of where we are as a society. I also think that some people look at the election like a realty show. I'm still baffled at some of the Sanders supporters who ended up voting for Trump. So, there was an anti-establishment movement here.

    I might piggyback on your description of snake oil salesman and just say that he conned the people. He did whatever it took to win, and hey, it worked. I've said before, I don't even think he believes what he says. So I am hopeful that he will be a good president and not actually do what he said on the campaign trail. It'll be interesting to see if he'll fold under pressure by the people who put him in office. So, if he can't build the wall or bring jobs back, does he get the 2nd term?

    I also hope he can stay healthy because I personally don't like Pence and hope he doesn't take the office.

    I have to ask, do you think Clinton would have won if she had someone else as her VP? I doubt things would be much different, unless she had Sanders. But who knows. There was so much going against her, yet she had more money and resources. It seems to me that this could be the last ride for her.

    It'll be interesting to see who the Democrats trot out there next time. Do they give in like they did in 2004 or is there a next Obama out there? How long do we wait to see another female get the nomination?

    As far as how this all shakes out, I don't think Trump winning will have much effect on the lives of Asian Americans in this country. I think the fear mongering will not be as bad and will probably be the same as usual (which to me, isn't that great). I do think that things for Latinos, Blacks and LGBTs will be tough. Essentially, things will probably revert back 10 years. I do think that Trump supports gay rights, so hopefully same sex marriage will not be revoked. His supreme court nomination(s) will be interesting. Does Ginsberg try to stay on longer than she had planned?

    I also think that people who hoped that Trump being elected would be the end of the Black Lives Matter movement. I'm here to say that it will only empower them more. Things will probably get worse before they get better. I will be interested to see if there is any data that the black vote was lower this time around. I hate making blanket statements, but if the black vote does end up being lower, then if things go poorly for that community, we know where to blame, especially after the pleads by Obama and Bill Clinton to get out to vote.


  2. There are people marching in the streets to protest Trump's election. As much as I think he is not qualified and will be bad for the country, I think we need to stay with our democratic process and let him have a chance to see what he can do. I don't want to do a McConnell who said his first goal in 2008 was to make Obama a one term president.

    I don't think the vp choice made much difference. I think Biden would have won if he won the nomination. But I don't think Sanders would have won since I don't think the country would have voted for a socialist. But the weird thing is that the blue collar people who voted for Trump are going against what the GOP supposedly stand for: free market forces with as little input from the government as possible. Now these people want Trump to use his power to bring back their jobs.

    The Democrats will be in a mess with moderates against the left wing and no leader to bring them together. Look up Tammy Duckworth. She just won Obama's old senate seat from Illinois against a GOP incumbent. She is possible presidential material in the future. She is half Asian as her mother is of Chinese descent from Thailand. She was an army helicopter pilot shot down in Iraq and lost both legs! So she represents minorities, women, the disabled and veterans. Four of the groups that Trump has insulted. The only trouble is that she was born in Thailand. But how is that different from Ted Cruz and George Romney? So maybe she is the next Obama.

    Once again the Democrats got screwed as Clinton won the popular vote and lost the electoral college. Also the electoral college gives smaller states an advantage as they got 3 votes at least no matter how low the population. It seems against the idea of everybody's votes are equal. But at least the demographics are changing and more states will turn blue. Perhaps the majority feel this is their last stand. Also they felt that they can't lose that Supreme Court spot.

    I think you are right that Trump probably does not even believe a lot of things he said and that he will not do most of the things he promised. So I am hopeful that there won't be massive reversal of social progress. What I am most worried is that throughout his business career and on the campaign trail, Trump has shown that he is a bully. I think the most dangerous thing for us and the world is that we have a bully at the control of the most powerful weapons in world history!


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