Sunday, February 12, 2017

Unbelievable, two guys walk into Dearborn police station in armour and carrying guns.  Supposedly they were trying to see if the Dearborn police are going to protect their rights under the open carry law in Michigan.  See, this is why such laws are stupid.  It seems to me by the letter of the law, these guys cannot be arrested and shouldn't have to give up their guns.  Of course, does anyone blame the cops for not wanting to have people walk into their station with guns?  Obviously they can't tell if these guys are going to shoot them.  So by the same token, how would they know if they come across them in the streets  they would not shoot the cops or anyone else?  By the same token, how do you or I know that the guy walking down the street with a gun in a holster will not start shooting at me or you ?   If this guy cuts in line in front of me, can I complain without fearing for my life?  So this about carrying guns make us safer is absurd.

By the way, I wonder if two black guys walk into a police station with guns would they be shot before given the same opportunity to surrender as these two guys were?

Seems surreal that last week we were just talking about the Red Wings moving into a new arena.  Now the news come out that Mike Ilitch has died.  Rest in peace Mike, I thank you for all the good that you did for Detroit.


  1. Anonymous9:54 AM

    The guys that went into the police station have done it in various places in southeastern Michigan. They're quite known in Oakland County. I'm not sure if there's anything that is legal to stop them either. These guys know what they're doing and they are even recording everything, just in case something illegal happens.

    I'm not sure what goes on in someone's head that makes them want to pull these stunts off. But apparently nobody in the government cares or else a law would be passed to ban open carry. Heck, I'd be OK with pistols, but these guys have rifles and are walking around schools and this time, wore masks.

    It would be interesting to see what would have happened if someone of non-color would have done the same thing. The police stations are on high alert since someone shot up a Detroit station last year. I believe the gunman was killed, but not after four officers were shot. Luckily none of the the cops were killed.


  2. That is just crazy. If they can't prosecute them for doing this after a few times already, then I guess people in Michigan just as well live in Dodge city. It seems like our civilization is going backwards. I wonder if an Arab person do the same thing in Dearborn or anywhere else, would he be shot or at least arrested for terrorism?

    Does this law apply to the airport? Can someone walk into DTW with guns? Can we walk around with hand grenades? Anthrax? Or a nuclear device? So we don't want refugees or Muslims in because they may kill us while we are not afraid of people with guns who kill 20,000 of us every year?

  3. Anonymous7:53 AM

    I did a little research on the open carry law. It is prohibited to carry in certain areas, like post office, schools, etc. But for some reason, I did not see police stations. You would think someone would have amended that law by now. So maybe the gun lobby is strong in Michigan. My research also mentions pistols, but I don't see any mention of rifles or other forms of firearms.

    I know you are trying to prove a point with grenades, anthrax, etc. and I totally agree with your refugee statement, but I would venture to guess that deaths by shootings were done by people who illegally had the guns. So, maybe the focus shouldn't be on guns or weapons in general, but on the bad guys. What I don't get is this hypocrisy by the law makers about relaxing who can get a gun, but they're banning people from coming in.

    There should be caution in anything dangerous and I believe in background checks for people who want to by guns. I also think that people who are trying to get guns legally, should have nothing to fear and shouldn't care.



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