Sunday, June 04, 2017

It is always about Trump even when it isn't.  Kathy Griffin gets into trouble by holding a fake severed head of Trump.  This is indefensible.  Even Al Franken and Anderson Cooper refuse to have anything to do with her after this.  She gave an apology and then made that hollow with her news conference.  She complained about getting death threats and that Trump is trying to destroy her life.  While nobody should be getting death threats, I don't know what she expected. And Trump did not cause her to lose all of her gigs.  Nobody wants to associate with her after this.  She is apparently doubling down and is saying she will continue to attack Trump.  So is this a case where I have nothing else to lose so just keeping digging?

Of course there are those on the right who say that Griffin should be investigated for threatening the life of Trump.  Come on, if the Secret Service cannot protect Trump from Griffin, we have a big problem in this country.  I would think that Ted Nugent is a more legitimate threat to Obama than Griffin to Trump.  Griffin is just being more grotesque. 

Back to Trump directly.  He is saying that to fight terrorism we have to get rid of political correctness.  So I guess that he is going against political correctness when he banned people from certain Muslim countries even though none of those on the list have killed Americans here.  Is it political incorrectness that he kiss the butt of Saudi Arabia, the country that actually produce terrorists against us and have supply much of the money for terrorists?   Is it because of fighting political correctness that he admires the likes of Putin and Xi while have not so nice things to say about our European allies?  Is it political incorrectness to scrape the Paris Accord to cede the leadership role in fighting climate change to China?  I guess there is a lot stupidity to go around this week.


  1. Anonymous6:53 AM

    I was wondering if you would blog about Griffin. I've never been a fan of hers and she did cross the line with the video. I'm not sure who was originally behind the video and why she thought it was a good idea to do it. So, she deserves whatever punishment she gets. At the same time, if she were a conservative artist with conservative ties, I don't know if she would have been punished as severely as she has.

    I don't know if it's because conservatives are not as politically correct as liberals or what the deal is. But the liberals always seem to have to take the moral high ground, so I think her career as we know it, is done. She's going to have to re-invent herself and maybe in a few years will re-emerge. But I don't know if she'll ever have the power or popularity she once had.

    Now, I personally would have told her not to apologize. Why not play on the same level as some of the other celebrities like Ted Nugent who never apologized? In fact, I argue that saying that he would shoot the president is a bigger threat than what Griffin did. It's not an excuse for what she did though. But if you're going to make a video then own up to it and not apologize. Her handlers had to know that apologizing would make it worse because once you cross that line, you can't go back.

    Did you hear that Bill Maher said the N word on his show or something and now he's facing some backlash for that? He did apologize, though I wonder how bad this will get. Doesn't seem too bad right now.


  2. The left is saying "What about Ted Nugent?" The right is saying that if a conservative was holding a fake Obama head, he would be fired. I say neither Nugent nor Griffin is defensible. Liberals and conservatives alike should condemn both of them. Just because someone else do something cruel, it does not excuse your cruel actions. But I think it is fair to say that while Griffin will lose a lot of gigs, I don't think Nugent did. In fact he got invited to the White House. To be fair, I think a skinny female comedian poses much less danger to a president than a male with lots of guns. So I think there is a lot of hypocrisy on Trump's part.

    Bill Maher used to be a liberal. I think he is no longer one. From his view on Muslims to this use of the N word, his true color maybe showing. From what I read about his use of the word, there was absolutely no reason to use it. It was not funny nor does make a point. It is just a flippant use of a vile word. So maybe his show is truly politically incorrect now.

    I can understand why conservatives hate political correctness. I am going to try to give my view on political correctness and incorrectness. Political correctness in a good form means that people have sensitivity about others. They are trying to not hurt someone's feelings. If political correctness goes too far or too extreme, then I think it creates victims where they were no victims to begin with. Political incorrectness in its good form means you don't have to tiptoe around each other. Everybody can say what is on his mind and nobody is offended by it. Political incorrectness in its extreme means that You do not care about someone's feelings and you do not try to understand the other side at all. Worse is the fact that extreme forms of political incorrectness is usually exercised by those in power to bully those under them. Racism and misogyny, I think, comes often out of those who champion political incorrectness.

  3. Anonymous1:55 PM

    I happen to have stumbled on this article on Maher. I thought it was pretty good.


  4. The more I know about Maher, the less I am impressed with him. I think it is the sign of the Apocalypse that people like Limbaugh, O'Reilly, Howard Stern, Ann Coulter and Maher can make millions a year talking nonsense. I hate Trump but I would never call him an ape or insinuating Ivanka jerking off Trump. It seems like to get well known one has to be as crude as possible and when enough people complain, then one makes a not so sincere apology. But in a country of over 300 million, even 0.1% agree with you, you have 300,000 fans!

    So what is your take on Maher?

  5. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Well, I've never been much of fan of his, but I actually respect that he goes off on both sides. As I believe there are idiots on both sides of the aisle and partisan politics has ruined this country. I also respect that he can bring someone on light Coulter and will battle her. Now, it's not really my type of entertainment, so I guess it doesn't effect me much.

    In fact, I'm in the crowd of if it offends you, turn the dial. In fact, I remember that my sister in-law used to listen to the Dr. Laura show and it would drive me nuts. Unfortunately since she was listening to it in her car, I couldn't change the station! I'm not going to fault people for listening to these shows. I think some people do it because what the host says is appealing to them and then there are those that like to listen because they're obsessed with the other side.

    So anyways, I'm not going to be watching Bill Maher anyways, but I don't hate him and I particularly could care less about him.

    Interesting that Kareem would chime in today. So here's an example of reading someone else's opinion and doing so regularly. I'm sure a lot of people don't like Kareem, but I've found his columns to be insightful, so I'll actually read his stuff. I don't know if I'd listen to a podcast or watch a show with him in it.


  6. Maher is better than the others I mentioned because he does attack both sides. But still he crosses the line sometimes. So as I said I do not watch shows where the host use languages that gets him/her notice. I am just unhappy that these people can attract such followings in this country. Personally I do not watch FNC or MSNBC because they are both too biased. I watch CNN and I think if you go to a foreign country I bet the English international news channels that are the most popular are CNN and BBC.

    My wife used to listen to Dr. Laura. I didn't like Dr. Laura but she did have some good advice sometimes. The problem with her is that she was too preachy and unsympathetic to those who made mistakes. I think my wife stop listening to her when her scandal came out from when she was young. So it is easy to criticize young people for mistakes and forgot that you made similar mistakes when you are young. Such hypocrite.

    So Kareem is an example of someone who has well thought out opinions and does not stomp up and down and use profanity against those who he doesn't like. So he does not have a following as big as those I mentioned. Unfortunately that is the unfair world we live in.

  7. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Well, Kareem doesn't seem to be motivated by celebrity and making huge amounts of money. He's been there and done all that, so what he seems to be doing is just expressing his opinion to whoever wants to listen. He's been blasted by a lot of people but has a good following.

    Sounds like we are similar and in agreement with what's been discussed. Now onto the big topic today. Will White Boy Rick be released from prison! I don't know the answer to that, but really the other topic that is all over the news is Comey's testimony.

    I doubt we'll get much juice out of this, but it'll be played out in the media. I can't imagine anything he says will lead to an impeachment. Though anything is possible with this president.

    This reminds me of the Oliver North stuff, where it was found that the Reagan administration was indeed at fault of selling arms to Iran. Sure there were a few fall guys but the Oval Office wasn't affected. It left a black eye on Reagan for sure, but his legacy isn't under some dark cloud because of it.

    Did you see the interview with Putin on NBC this past Sunday? I only saw a couple of clips. He seems pretty defiant and not much light was shed on the hacking rumors. I doubt that he would have confessed they were trying to hack the election. Who knows. Maybe this is all a big conspiracy and hoax afterall. Who knows if we'll ever find out the truth.



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