Tuesday, January 15, 2019

I see that the Clemson football team visited the White House and was served various fast food by Trump.  Apparently due to the government shutdown, the White House staff was short and couldn't provide food.  So Trump paid for the fast food out of his own pocket.  In the process, he blamed the Democrats for the shutdown.  People were quick to criticize and make fun of Trump for this low class food affair.  I am not going to do that, it is really too easy.

I am wondering why Chick-Fil-A wasn't on the menu?  It is a fast food chain that is known to support conservative causes.  So it would seem that Trump would want to support this chain.  I mean, how can you not feel for an executive who is anti-gay with a name like Dan Cathy?  I wonder what it does to a man who is constantly called Cathy everyday?  Of course, I think that former MLB pitcher Ron Darling was not bothered by men calling him Darling everyday!

Bit I digress.  It seems that Trump doesn't always help his supporters.  Take the farmers group he is speaking to in New Orleans.  With his trade war with China, the farmers are hurting.  He then tried to decrease the pain by giving subsidies and loans to farmers.  But then with the government shutdown, the farmers are not receiving their subsidies and can' apply for the loans.  Also since farming requires a lot of immigrant help, his stance on immigrants are also hurting farmers.  But why would anyone thinks that a real estate guy who had a rich father would actually be sympathetic to the plights of the American farmers?

There are a lot of arguments over whether the Congress should subpoena the interpreter whose notes were snatched by Trump after a one on one meeting between Trump and Putin.  Trump didn't want any of his aids to go into the meeting with Putin.  Afterward, he took away the interpreter's notes so there will never be any record of what was said.  Some called for the interpreter to testify.  Others think that while Trump was setting a bad precedent by taking the notes, it would also be bad precedent to have the interpreter testify.  Like priests and lawyers, interpreters for president should not have to testify of what was said.  Plus, it is possible the interpreter may not remember clearly what was said at the time.

But I would argue that even if the contents of the meeting should not be divulged by the interpreter, he/she  should testify if Trump actually took the notes.  I think the people have the right to know of this unusual event took place.  Why would a president do that if he had nothing to hide.  If the interpreter can testify that the president indeed did that, I think it would be another sign that Trump is beholden to the Russians.


  1. Anonymous12:09 PM

    I wonder why Clemson decided to schedule the visit so soon after the game. They could have waited after the shutdown and maybe have gotten a better dinner. The boys seemed OK with the meal, but they were basically cheated on a great dinner. They probably had better meals during the week of the championship game. Heck, they probably eat well during the season at the training table.

    As far as Chik Fil A goes, I don't think they have those in Washington, so that may have been why. I'm just wondering how they kept all the food warm and fresh.

    As far as the interpreter thing goes, this raises a red flag if he took the notes. If you don't have anything to hide, then it's not a good look to take them because of the speculation.


  2. They don't have Chik-fil-A in D.C.? That is amazing. The burgers were in boxes so they were probably not warm or fresh. The fries and pizza were on a separate table so maybe they had a heat lamp or something. But fries are terrible unless eaten right away. You are right, they eat better at the training table. Better nutrition definitely.

    Some stats from the LA Times today. Nobody has sneaked across the border to commit a terrorist attack, ever. There are 104 deaths by terrorists in the U.S. since 9/11, about 6 per year. There are about 30,000 gun deaths per year. So that is 5 thousand times more likely to be killed by a gun than by a terrorist. Makes you wonder which crisis should we be targeting?

    I think Pelosi's not allowing Trump to do the state of the union address in Congress is wrong and is bad politics. It will give Trump and his supporters ammunition about the Democrats obstructing the government. It will also set bad precedent for the future. And Trump is not an inspiring speaker, so let him speak and then pick someone great for the rebuttal. It would not be hard to find someone better than Trump.

  3. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Well, I stand corrected. There are what looks like five Chick-Fil-A locations in the DC area. I mean it wasn't out of the ordinary that there would not be one, since Michigan only just got a handful of locations the last couple of years.

    The prices are not that bad relative to the other fast food joints. So I am surprised that there wasn't any Chick-Fil-A. Maybe they only got what POTUS likes.

    I'm not sure what Pelosi's end game is with not having a State of the Union. Maybe there's a reverse psychology involved here because she expects him to make a spectacle of it if she tells him not to go on. Or maybe she is trying to get him to think about how the shutdown will affect the security (which we heard will not be a problem). Could we hear boos? I doubt that will happen.

    I came across an interesting column that I am taking with a grain of salt. I am not really into these types of theories, but just thought it was interesting.


    By the way, we started streaming a show called the Kapinsky Method on Netflix. First season was easy to get through. Check out the trailer:




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