Dr. Ming Lin, an emergency physician was fired by his hospital because he was speaking out in social media about the lack of safety measures for patients and staff during this pandemic. He had gone to executives of the hospital first and only went public when he saw the response was inadequate. He is not an isolated case, according to the American College of Emergency Physicians. It is incredible to me that in this time of crisis, that physicians on the front line, are being dismissed for speaking up. Isn't it similar to the reprimand the government in Wuhan gave to Dr. Li when he spoke up?
I don't think that Dr. Lin's firing is race related. But there are news of more Asian Americans being attacked as the casualties of the COVID-19 increase. As the number of deaths increases here in the U.S. and the conditions in China return to normal, you can bet that attacks on Asian American will increase even more. Right now, I am sure the attacks are perpetuated by racists or people who have little knowledge of the world. But that is changing.
Tim Pool, who has a big following on Youtube, ranted about this whole thing was China trying to kill Americans and become number one in the world. You would not label him as a racist or some babbling idiot. He came to fame when he covered Occupying Wall Street and used a drone which produced a video showing a cop attacking a protester. The video contradicted what the cop reported afterward. Pool became a darling of the left and was a Sanders supporter in 2016. He has sided with refugees in Europe in the past. He also has fans on the right since recently he claims that the mainstream media is biased against conservative.
So agree or not agree with him, Pool does not seem to be one who rants without thinking. But his attack on China is backed by no fact or false narratives. The idea that China lied about this whole thing to kill Americans and become dominant is nonsense. As I have pointed out, maybe be the local government in Wuhan made mistakes and delayed things. But even if a medical genius was running this whole thing from day one, it would not have sped up the warning sent out to the world by more than couple of weeks. Pool said that the lies from China were intentional so Trump is not responsible for what happens in the U.S.
So China started this outbreak, killing thousands of its own people, so that the virus will spread to the U.S. and kill many more thousands Americans so China can be dominant? Who in China or anywhere else would think this is great plan? Even if China lied in the beginning, the U.S. and the rest of the world had 2 months head start on China to fight this virus. There are countries whose casualty is minimum compare to the U.S. South Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong have done well. They were affected way earlier than the U.S. Does Pool think that China believe that the U.S. is less competent than these Asian countries?
I don't know what possesses Pool to rant like this. But as I mentioned in the last blog, the mainstream media is subtly pointing the finger at China. Jake Tapper of CNN said this week that Xi Jinping has blood on his hand for China's slow response. This type of reporting show either a bias agenda or lack of research on how possible infection outbreaks are handled.
Trump has said that Asian Americans should not be targeted because of this pandemic. But he didn't just called this "China virus" at his briefings. He also insisted that the G7 nations use this name instead of COVID-19 in their joint statement after their virtual summit. When the other nations refused, the U.S. didn't sign. Is there any doubt that when things get worse here, Trump will try to shift blame to China? When that happens, Asian Americans will be in even greater danger.