Tuesday, January 26, 2021

 The Democrats sent the article impeachment to the senate yesterday.  I think it is a waste of time as there is no way that 17 GOP senators are going to vote to convict.  Then  Trump is going to claim victory again even though this time a majority will vote against him.  The only thing that maybe accomplished is that it forces the GOP senators to vote for and against Trump.  By siding with Trump, those senators in not safe seats will lose votes.  After all, if causing insurrection is not a crime, then what is?

To show that Trump's influence is still important in the GOP, look at Oregon and Arizona, two states that voted for Biden.  The GOP in Arizona voted to censure Cindy McCain, Jeff Flake and its own GOP governor due to their not supporting Trump's effort to overthrow the election.  Given that Arizona just voted for Biden and elected two Democratic senators, it would seem the GOP is committing suicide in a state they have a chance to win back in the near future.  In Oregon, they voted to censure the Congressmen who voted to impeach Trump.  Given that Oregon is a blue state, it would seem that the GOP is trying to become totally irrelevant in Oregon.  But we now know who controls the GOP in that state.

I think that people like Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley should resign or kick out of the senate.  Their support of Trump, their lies about the election and incitement of the rioters make them as guilty as Trump.  Of course, nothing will happen to them in the senate but hopefully it will cause them in the ballot box in the future.  By the way, in October 2019 two senators went to Hong Kong to egg on the demonstrators.  One was Ted Cruz.  I did not know the other guy at the time as he was new.  That guy called for independence of Hong Kong.  That senator?  It was Josh Hawley.  Hard to imagine anyone would be accused of causing insurrection against both China and the U.S. in less than a year and a quarter!


  1. Anonymous6:45 PM

    It's too bad there won't be much support on the Republican side regarding the impeachment. I imagine that for most of these politicians, that it's party over country,as much as they deny that.

    The GOP is in trouble because of all the infighting. I never thought this would happen but always feared the far right would try to change the party. The far left on the other side is trying to change the Democrats as well. I don't know what it is that people see in these extremists but these extremists are being elected into office.

    So of course guys like Lyin' Ted, the two women that were elected who are spewing Qanon stuff, and of course Hawley get elected. These are the dangerous ones who are in it for themselves and will do and say anything to stay in power.


  2. While I do not agree with many of the policies that the extreme left advocate, they are nowhere as bad as the extreme right. IF the left succeed with all of their policies, we do not end up a communist country. We may become slightly more socialist than Sweden, Norway and most other European nations. If the far right is victorious, we will have elections overturned, minorities killed without repercussions, we will wage more wars under false pretenses, and we will become the laughing stock of the world. Of course, none of this will matter as we may all die with the next epidemic if the far right is in charge. So no, I would not agree with Trump that there are fine people on both sides.


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