Wednesday, March 17, 2021

 If Asians don't think that we have a target on our backs, the shootings in Georgia should change that thought.  For weeks now prominent Asians and activists have gone on media highlighting the increased attacks on Asians in the past year.  There have been various statistics regarding increased in verbal and physical attacks against Asians.  But whatever the percentage increases are noted, I think they are lower than the actual numbers.  In particular verbal assaults are probably not reported by most Asians.  It is only because the physical assaults are increasing that more attentions are given to discrimination against Asians.

It seems that most perpetrators against Asians are cowards.  They tend to attack elderly people and women.  The shooter in Georgia is a coward and a liar.  He goes on a shooting spree against unarmed Asian women and then claimed that it was not a racial thing.  He claimed he did this because he is a sex addict and that these massage parlors seduced him.  You mean a sex addict is only tempted by women of  one race?   Even if that is the case, it is still a hate crime since he is blaming Asian women for his addiction to such an extent that he was only targeting them.

There is a long history of discrimination against Asian women based on sexual fetish or stereotype.  They are also thought of as low in morality.  This idea goes back to 1800s when mostly Chinese men came to the U.S.  As a result human traffickers brought women from China to work on brothels to serve the lonely Chinese workers.  But white men also went to these establishments.  So Americans claimed that Chinese women were of low morality and hurt the Christian value of the county!  The Page Act of 1875 banned Chinese women from coming to this country.  This was 7 years before the Chinese Exclusion Act which banned all Chinese.

Today there are still Asian women smuggled into the U.S. for sexual labor.  My own town had a case of Chinese women trafficking a few years ago.  Lisa Ling of CNN did a documentary on massage parlors in New York Chinatown last year.  None of the customers she saw going in these establishments were Asians.  So almost 150 years later,  Chinese women are still victims of these enterprises.  Now they are even victims of a fatal hate crime.  

There are so many wrongs related to this story.  How often are the customers of these businesses get jail time?  Robert Kraft got away with it.  This is not nation of moral superiority, as many Americans claim.  They voted in a president who is a serial adulterer, who paid for sex and bragged about attacking women.  The same ex-president is still calling the China virus last night so that more hate crimes against Asians will occur.  The perpetrator of this crime should be institutionalized but yet was able to buy a gun legally.  

I am rambling because so many things anger me at this time.  I hope more people will understand that being good loyal Americans will not take the target off our back.  We must continue to call attention that many people want harm to come to us, including those who have the platform to spew hate.  But realistically there are just too many crazy, racist people out there with guns.  We will just have to be vigilant all the time and try to protect our elderly and women as much as possible.

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