Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Have not had much time to write lately even though many things been going through my mind. Will restart with a brief commentary on the gulf oil spill. I understand that BP may have been negligent so that this disaster happened. But once it happened I don't think that there is any reason why they would not want to stop the oil flow ASAP. If they know how to do it quickly there is no advantage for them to hold back. So there is no reason to demand that BP fix this mess as the Obama administration and others are doing except to deflect any blame. And as for the government, it is liable for the lack of oversight but again once the spill started you can't blame it for not stopping the spill because I am sure that would the first thing the government wants to do.

I think the only thing that Obama could have done in the beginning, other than going to the Gulf more frequently for photo-ops, was to convene the top engineers in the country to come up with ideas how to stop the spill and clean up the mess. If he had called on brainiacs from MIT, Cal Tech, and U. of Texas (I assume there would be a petroleum engineering program there) from day 1, then I don't think you can ask for more. If those guys can't come up with the answer then why do you expect that Obama can come up with the answer?

By they way, why can't they just land a submarine on top of the gush and stop the flow until the relief well is drilled?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:12 AM

    It's been a while since I checked on your blog since you haven't been writing. There's no doubt that we should be upset with the spill. It is obviously hard to cap this thing considering it has taken well over 60 days to do so.

    I guess it's a lot harder to stop this thing than my mind can handle. There are all these factors including natural gas coming out that make this so dangerous.

    In a way I feel for BP and I can't blame them for not having procedures in place. This is a unique situation which I don't think anyone could have imagined.

    There sure is a lot of oil in there, but what evidence do we have that it won't run out as soon as we get it capped?


    p.s. have a safe trip


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