Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Each day seems to bring out more accusers against Herman Cain. I thought in the beginning he could have put it away by admitting to the settlement on first two cases. He should have said that he remembered that the NRA came to him with the allegations and after investigating decided to settle for a minimal amount to make the cases go away. In this litigious society, settling cases for $30,000 to 40,000 to avoid the cost and hassle of a trial, would not make one look guilty. Since there was a non-disclose clause in the settlements, nothing else can be said about it. Instead Cain at first denied the cases, then claim to have forgotten and then claimed that those were not settlements. This makes him out to be a liar. I don't think anyone who was sued for sexual harassment would forget the cases, unless there were a lot of cases! Then he tried to use the race card and that just made things worse.

One thing for sure the Democrats are enjoying this. Cain and his supporters, by complaining that this is a liberal witch hunt, make themselves look worse. The Democrats want Cain to win the Republican nomination. It would be easier to beat him than Romney. So there was no reason to try to bring him down. One of her accuser, Bialek, is a Republican and met him again recently at a Tea Party event. So there is no liberal conspiracy here and everyone knows it. The only thing in Cain's favor is that Bialek used Gloria Allred as her lawyer. This diminishes her credibility. But given Cain's implausible denials, I don't think most people are going to believe him.

Having said that, it is interesting in the Republican debate tonight, the audience booed the questions about Cain's allegations. Even at a Republican event, it is hard to believe that such a big majority support Cain. Even if they believe he is not guilty, the way he handled the whole thing does not make him look presidential. Of course, Rick Perry took him off the hook a bit tonight when he forgot the third cabinet department he promised to cut as president. When Paul suggested EPA, Perry agreed. Later on he remembered that it was the Dept. of Energy. Being from Texas, how can he forget energy? This debate and others show that he really has not think things through and is totally unprepared to run for president. As a result, this makes Cain looked better. I noticed all the candidate were against the bailouts. Romney was against the auto bailouts in the past. Obviously he has to stick to this position now as he tries to get the nomination. Michigan is one of the states that he can take from Obama but I wonder how going against the auto bailout will affect him in the general election?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Very good blog. Being in the Detroit area, the debate was one of the top three news stories. It had as much press as the firing of Joe Paterno at Penn State and the heavy winds that knocked out power to about 50000 people in the Detroit area.

    I thought about going to the debate but decided against it since I don't have a horse in the race and I didn't really want to listen to the same old rhetoric I've been hearing in soundbites.

    I thought Perry screwing up his message was pretty funny and he was took the embarrassment pretty well. To me, it wouldn't change my mind if I were leaning toward voting for him, so I am a little shocked at how big the mistake has been played up in the press. With publicity like this, it could damage his candidacy greatly.

    I respect that the candidates showed some backbone and re-iterated their stance against the bailout for GM and Chrysler, especially in Detroit. I thought a bailout was needed at the time and still thing it was necessary. The funny thing is that one of the candidates mentioned that the government shouldn't be in the business to bailout companies. In principle, I agree with this, but if this were the case, then I say that Wall Street should not have been bailed out either.

    And the fact that the GOP candidates are supported by big business and the banks, I must say that this is hypocritical of any candidate to say. And as time has proven, we're seeing worse things from the banks now than before they were bailed out.

    Lastly, I was shocked at the huge support for Cain at the debate. The other candidates should really be focusing on knocking him down right now. And I am shocked that any republican would even support him because his 999 plan is quite liberal and never get passed.



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