Monday, June 18, 2012

Obama announced his new policy regarding illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. as children. This follows his endorsing gay marriages a few weeks ago. The timing of these two things at the end of his term, just before election, makes it look like a political move. I think these announcements are going to hurt rather than help his campaign. Illegal immigration and gay marriage advocates were going to vote for him anyway. There maybe a little more enthusiasm from these two groups now and maybe more monetary contributions. But there will be some independents who will be abhorred by these events. A blue collar worker in the swing states of Ohio, for example, may have been leaning toward Obama because he now has a job might now vote for Romney instead. The funny thing is Romney probably thinks similar to Obama and would not have done anything different on this issue if he is elected.


  1. Anonymous3:07 PM

    I agree and have been waiting for you to comment. I don't understand what his campaign is doing. The votes he needs aren't on the left, they're in the middle. He already has those votes on the left. There is no Green Party candidate this year to have to contend with.

    The only thing I can think of is that his people know that Rubio will be the VP choice and it's a way to get ahead of the curve. The votes gained are minimal vs. the votes he may lose with the moderates.

    The main concern right now is the economy and maybe this is his way of deflecting his weaknesses (the economy).

    By the way, did you hear about the Vagina controversy here in Michigan? Check out this article:,0,1791131.story


  2. I don't get the controversy. Vagina is a medical anatomical term, no different than breast or penis. So why all the fuss? I heard of the vagina monologue but I don't know what the play was all about, although I can guess. So what happens now after this episode?

    Have you heard anything about polls on the election in Michigan? A couple months ago, Michigan and Wisconsin were both strongly leaning toward Obama. Now I read that both are considered toss-ups. I can understand Wisconsin after the recall election helped Republican momentum. But what has changed in Michigan the last couple of months?

  3. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Channel 4 had a poll out a couple of days ago that showed Romney leading. Interestingly, Romney was winning by a larger margin in the tri-county area and had a smaller margin in the outstate area. So, Romney was in Mid-Michigan to stump for votes.

    I don't think those poll numbers are accurate since I looked online and it shows Obama with a 2 point lead which is way down.

    This brings me back to wondering what the Obama campaign is thinking and not going after the moderate voters.



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