Sunday, November 01, 2015

Opted to watch the World Series instead of the GOP debate last week.  It doesn't seem like it change anything even though people say that Marco Rubio did the best.  Of course previous good performances by Fiorina only temporary gave her a boost.  Now she is an also ran again.  So I don't think these debates are doing much to the race.  The big news coming out of this is that the GOP is so upset with the moderators from CNBC that they are boycotting NBC.  It seems to me if they want softball questions, they should just have all the debates on FNC.  Oh, I forgot that Trump got into fight with a woman moderator for Fox.  Hey, if they think NBC is biased, then why is Trump going on Saturday Night Live?

Frankly, I am surprised how poorly Jeb Bush is doing.  If no scandal occur, I don't see anyone in this field can beat Clinton.  Well, with maybe the exception of Rubio.  I don't see the GOP nominating a Hispanic. But if Rubio is nominated and he picks Kasich or Christie, then there is a reasonable chance of beating Clinton.  With Florida and either NJ or Ohio going to the GOP column, Rubio may pull it off.  Of course, I did see Scott Walker coming out of toss up state of Wisconsin.  That was over before it got started.  But at least Rubio has done well in the debates, unlike Walker.

China is getting rid of the one child policy.  Now couples can have 2 children.  The one child policy caused lot of bad things like forced abortion.  But it did stabilize China's population.  It is no longer needed however.  With increased prosperity and urbanization, Chinese couples are wanting less children.  So eventually no policy will be needed.  And it is a sure bet that in the very near future, India will surpass China as the world's most populous country.


  1. Anonymous8:12 AM

    I did not watch the debate and didn't watch the World Series either. I had heard that the GOP was not happy with the line of questioning by the moderators. Were the questions that bad or did the candidates just not like being called out?

    I think Jeb Bush has a strange personality. I don't know how he's been elected governor. Is it the name recognition? His brother was much better at debating and came across more likeable, which is amazing to me.

    It will be interesting to see what happens in China with this new policy. I wonder if there will be less female orphans as a result.


  2. I didn't watch the debate so I can't comment whether the GOP had a legitimate complaint. But candidates frequently complain about the media. Sort of like complaining about bad referees. You maybe be right but you are not the most objective person either. Even if officiating is bad, usually you are responsible also. Take Duke's loss to Miami. It was bad officiating at the end but all Duke had to do is make one tackle and stop one of eight laterals. If CNBC had made the GOP eventual nominee look bad last week, I am sure it would be all forgotten by the voters by election time.

    I think Jeb is a smarter man than George so it is strange that he is doing so poorly. I think not able to decide whether to distance himself from George's policy right from the beginning made things awkward and difficult for him and he never recovered.


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