Sunday, May 08, 2016

I have no idea who Trump or Clinton will pick as vp.  I am sure Trump will not pick Rick Perry, who expressed interest, or Sarah Palin, who is attacking Paul Ryan on Trump's behalf.  Perry will probably forget who he is endorsing by next week.  Palin's threat to unseat Ryan in his district is laughable.  Ryan is very popular back home and Trump lost Wisconsin.  So I am sure he is safe there.  He will probably come to some understanding with Trump later but is helping GOP candidates in tough election fights to stay away from the negative effect of Trump.

Another caveat for GOP voters who think that a business executive will help the economy.  Did they not know that Herbert Hoover was a CEO before politics?  What happened during his presidency?  George Bush was also a CEO before politics and I am sure everybody remember how things were 8 years ago!  And if we think rich business people make great presidents, then maybe we should elect Bill Gates or Warren Buffet who are way more successful than Trump.  Carlos Slim would then help Mexico become a rich country!

Congratulations to Leicester City for winning the Premier League championship!  The ultimate underdog story with discarded players and 5000 to 1 odds before the season started!  It is also owned by a Thailand conglomerate and has a Japanese striker in the starting lineup!  It gives hope to the Detroit Lions, Chicago Cubs and LA Clippers of the world!  Happy Mothers Day to all Moms!


  1. Anonymous7:26 AM

    I really like Warren Buffet. Too bad he never ran for office. I wonder how well he would have done.

    I really like Senator Warren, but hopes she doesn't become the VP nominee. I'd rather she go the route that Clinton did and become Secretary of State or somewhere else on the cabinet.

    I was pleasantly surprised that Leicester City won. What a great story. You have to think a movie will be made about this season at some point.


  2. Warren Buffet is a great guy but I don't see him as a politician. His investment strategy is long term, safe outlook. A lot of Americans want things done yesterday. That is why Trump is successful with a certain segment of the population by promising quick turn around of the economy. That is absurd but wins a lot of vote. Buffet has been way more successful than Trump but even a great economic mind like him may not be a good president. How is his foreign policy knowledge? How is his temperament? Who knows? As I mentioned, Hoover and Bush failed miserably despite being successful in the private sector.

    No chance of Warren being named vP. She will only help bring the Sanders supporters to Clinton. Most of those will come to her anyway. She will lose more moderate independent males. I would expect a moderate white male be named by Clinton. Is Bill eligible? The only female, and it is a long shot, would be Condeleeza Rice! She may bring moderate Republicans who are weary of Trump. Some Republicans may even think they are one heart beat from winning the White House so would vote for her. The Democrats may not be happy but can they go against a black woman? A long shot for sure but if Clinton is thinking woman for vp, who knows?

  3. Anonymous7:26 AM

    While I was waiting for the Golden State/Portland game to come on, I caught some of DWTS, a show I normally don't watch, but I know it is your favorite show. From my observations, I think the deaf guy should win it all. I predict that it will be him and fellow Michigan native, Ginger Zee in the final. This final group is pretty good. I really like Paige but don't know if she has a big enough following to win. Antonio Brown, my early favorite, hasn't lived up to expectations, but he'll get a big chunk of fan votes. The question is if Wanya(sp?) lower scores will hurt him. Am I missing anyone else?

    Condy Rice would be an interesting choice. I don't see her as having any political aspirations. I think she got a taste of it and I don't think she really enjoyed it. Is there anyone in the south Clinton could pick? Who would win New York?


  4. I don't know if anyone from the south would help Clinton win any of those states except for Florida. The red states in the south are pretty much GOP controlled. But if we are continuing the Condy Rice line of reasoning, then how about South Carolina governor Nikki Haley? She is Indian American and a Republican. Possibly can flip South Carolina. Clinton will win New York. Trump is from there but Clinton served as senator from there. It is too liberal to go GOP.

    If you were waiting for the GS game, then you should have been watching Miami and Toronto instead of DWTS. Obviously dancing is much more interesting to you then basketball! I pretty much agree with your assessment except I think either Ginger Zee or Antonio Brown will win. The fighter is the best dancer but I doubt she has a big following since her biggest fans are probably young males who will not be watching this show. The deaf guy is great but like the guy from before who had a missing arm, he is not the best and won't get enough sympathy votes. He will be in the final three though. Zee is consistent and has a big following. Brown has been the weakest of the five left but the fact that he is not out means that he must have a lot of votes. He certainly has the natural ability to do great in the next couple of weeks. The Boyz to senior citizen guy is regressing so I don't think he will make the final.

    By the way, I am sure you did not stay up for the whole GS game since it ended at almost 2 am in the east. But I am sure you heard of Curry's exploit in OT. That was impressive. The question is, can he stay healthy through the rest of the playoffs? What has happened to the Tigers? It looks like last season was no fluke and they are deteriorating.

  5. Anonymous7:56 AM

    I've got to think Clinton will choose someone who is in the middle or near it. It's probably someone we haven't seen yet. The only one I know that fits is O'Malley, but he did so poorly early in the race, that I don't think he has much voter appeal. I don't think she can have Sanders on the ticket, because she's already going to get the left vote. Do you think Sanders will run as a 3rd party candidate?

    I will concede that you have probably watched more DWTS, when you say that the deaf guy will not win, but from what little I have seen, to me, he looks like a pro. Then again, you are the expert on ballroom dancing.

    So basically, we agree that Zee will make it. The conflict here is between the deaf guy and Antonio Brown, right?

    Funny you should mention the end of the Golden State game. For a couple of days, I was battling insomnia and I was quite tired on Monday night. I attempted to go to bed at halftime of the game when the Warriors were down by like 10 or 12. Curry did not look very good and Green was keeping them in the game. Well, I could not fall asleep. I kept tossing and turning. I decided to surf the internet and saw that the game was close, so I turned it on at the end of the 4th, against my better judgement. I did end up watching until the end. Curry is just unbelievable. Hard to tell how healthy he will be for the rest of the playoffs, as you know, the type of injuries he gets are fickle.

    The Tigers are basically a 500 team (at least I keep thinking that). They show flashes and then look really bad. It's a combination of things. Inconsistency is the word I would use. Plus, I am convinced that Ausmus is a mediocre manager. They are missing a spark in the dugout. I don't agree that he should be fired unless they can bring someone like Leyland back. I'd almost want them to ride out the season with Ausmus and go into a rebuild in the off season. However, I don't think Ilitch will want to do that since he's on limited time.

    I see that the Dodgers are in first, but their record is not very good. Can they hold onto first place or will the Giants overtake them at some point?


  6. There is some mention of Tim Kaine of Virginia to be Clinton's vp. This sounds reasonable because Virginia is a toss up state and he fits the moderate white male profile although I don't think he would be much help elsewhere. No, I don't think Sanders will run as a third party candidate. I think he will back Clinton after getting some leverage for the party platform at the convention.

    So to be clear, my top three for dancing ability in DWTS in order are: the fighter, Zee and then the Deaf guy. But my pick for the top three to reach the final are: Zee, Brown and the deaf guy. But I don't have any problem with any of the five making the final, they are the best top five I think in the history of the show. It seems every year more of the contestants are very good even from the beginning.

    The Dodgers without Kershaw would be the same as the Tigers. They are in a very weak division with the Giants playing poorly as well. If Ryu comes back and be as good as before, they can win the division but will be out quickly in the playoffs again.

  7. Anonymous7:51 AM

    I think I did hear about Kaine. I wonder if it'll matter much who Clinton picks. I didn't realize senator Warren was already in her mid-sixties. So, I can't imagine that she'll ever have a chance to run for president. Do you think if Trump selects a minority or woman, it'll help his chances?

    Thanks for clearing up about DWTS. I agree with you on what you wrote. Is it bad that we don't know the deaf guy's name?


  8. I don't think the vp pick will help either Clinton or Trump. If somehow Trump gets Rubio, Kasich or Ryan (yeah right) then he would have something. Not only previous enemy comes to him but may bring a toss up state. I don't think this would happen and he probably picks a veteran conservative congressman or senator to help him with Congress. For women candidates, again its Rice and Haley. Neither likely would accept and won't win a toss up state for him.

    Yes, it is bad that you pretend to not know that his name is Nyle. I had to look it up because I don't follow models, at least not male ones. But since you watch DWTS all the time, I am sure you knew his name but just want to make me look bad. I also don't follow MMA so didn't remember her name is Paige. I also did not remember Wanya from Boyz to senior citizens. So I am politically incorrect in multiple areas. I hope none of those people challenge me to a dance off!


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