Sunday, March 01, 2015

The GOP blockage of funding for homeland security is totally ridiculous.  They are willing to hold hostage the security of the country in an attempt to stop Obama's immigration policy?  There is no chance that they would succeed because they don't have enough vote to stop filibuster in the senate nor override a veto from Obama.  This is an exercise in futility.  Even most Republicans agree with this.  While this may not cripple the country in the short term, it will have consequences if the department is not funded.  Do you really want the people who are working in security lose their concentration because they are forced to work without a pay check?  Just like the debt default debacle a few years back, the confidence in the U.S. is at stake here.

I don't know why the GOP is wasting time on this and trying to kill Obamacare.  Their best chance in these are in the courts.  They have no chance legislative wise unless they elect a GOP president in 2016.  They can enhance their chances in that if they can show they can govern.  If they put out laws that are moderate, they have the votes to pass both houses.  Then if Obama vetoes then they can use that against the Democratic nominee.  If he signs, then the GOP show that they are reasonable and able to govern.  So if they are smart, they won't waste any more time trying to do things that are impossible and endanger America.

Speaking of presidential election, Rand Paul won a conservative poll this week while Jeb Bush got booed at the gathering.  Don't read too much into this.  Both Rand Paul and his father Ron had won this poll in the past and neither have been close in getting the nomination.  Jeb Bush is not a favorite among conservatives but he has the name and money.  With Romney bowing out, Bush is still viable among the moderates in the party.  I think Scott Walker is in a good position as he has placed himself between the extremists and moderates.  Plus he is from a toss up state that the GOP nominee needs to win to get elected.  So I would place him as the front runner at this time.


  1. Anonymous2:16 PM

    I don't have much to add, but I do think that if things were switched around, the Democrats would be doing the same thing. The problem right now for the GOP is that there is a divide and the minority of that party is very vocal.

    I don't know if the GOP candidate could win the election unless it's a moderate. Bush seems to be a decent choice. He's done some distancing from his brother. But I don't know if the party would be willing to nominate another Bush.

    I still don't see Walker winning an election against Clinton, though you are right, he could be the nominee since he can cater a good chunk of Republicans.

    I think we might see another candidate emerge who is a better choice. Who that is, I don't know.


  2. Right now I don't see anyone from the GOP winning against Clinton because he would have to cater to the extreme right to win the nomination which hurts him in the general election. I would advise the moderates in either party to ignore the extremes in their party and run a middle of the road campaign even in the primaries. If I am not going to win the general election anyway, why am I catering to those who is going to bring me down at the end? In the end McCain and Romney won the nomination because they are moderates. But the primaries killed their chance of winning the general election. So if I am a moderate in the GOP, I would stay away from the extreme right and if they can nominate somebody more conservative than me, let that person lose the general election instead of me.


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