Sunday, January 08, 2017

I see that Trump has nominated Betsy DeVos for sec. of education.  She is from Michigan and is perhaps the biggest advocate for charter schools and vouchers to be used by families at any school, public or private.  Since she is basically the mother of charter schools in Michigan, I try to find out how successful these school have been in Michigan.  It seems there are a lot of back and forth between the critics and supporters of these schools.  Some have called them total failures and that some advocates of charter schools have stayed away from supporting the Michigan schools.  Some say that these schools improved the reading and math results of students by two to three months per year, especially in Detroit students.  It seems these reports are conflicted and I wonder if anyone living in Michigan can shed some light on the success or failure of these schools.

I see reason to support and criticize both sides of this debate.  I think that the public schools in large urban areas in this country are doing a poor job.  The teacher unions in these districts are not helpful to the students.  They serve mostly to protect the teachers.  On the other hand, I don't think vouchers or charter schools are the panacea that their supporters paint them to be.  For example, most private schools have admission standards so they are taking in better students.  The parents and students who take vouchers and go to these schools are putting in more effort in their education than most of those who stayed behind.  The private schools can also expel students who are disruptive but it is much more difficult for public schools to do so.  So to me in order to say that a private school is better than the neighborhood school, it will have to produce graduates that are way better than the neighborhood public school.

In many countries, including my native Hong Kong, the public schools are better than private schools because its tuition is way lower and you have to pass exams to get in.  So again, whoever is able to pick the students, is going to produce better graduates.  Some countries, like Sweden, abandoned the voucher system after finding it did not do better than regular public school.  So there are no easy solutions.  I don't know if Betsy DeVos is competent for this job.  But I hope she will try to get a lot of opinions from different sources and not just go ahead and dismantle public school education.


  1. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Well, Betsy DeVos is one of the more polarizing figures here in Michigan when it comes to education. A lot of the teacher unions and members do not like her. To me, a lot of it has to do with pulling money away from public schools, which are already running on small budgets (especially in urban areas).

    I haven't heard whether these charter schools are any better, but they seem to be OK. I had a friend who sent her daughter to a charter school when they lived in Pontiac and it seemed that her education was better than what she would have gotten in Pontiac.

    Now, when she moved out of Pontiac, she did end up sending her daughter to a private school, so education was obviously important to her. Though the area she ended up moving to (Madison Heights) also has a below average public school rating.

    That is not to say that public schools are bad. I think that when there is money and stability in the household, it helps in education. I'm not here to solve the problems though. I also don't have faith that pouring more money into the public schools will solve all the problems. We've seen a lot of waste and corruption in Detroit.

    I had a buddy who was a teacher in Detroit and he said that he was a glorified babysitter. Only some of the students worked hard and only some of the parents really cared about their kids' education. He ended up leaving and going back to the military, where he works for the National Guard in Virginia.

    It'll be interesting to see what DeVos ends up doing. I have a feeling she will try to dismantle the way things are done in the public schools. She doesn't seem like the type to compromise. It's not that she does not care about kids. She just has a different perspective on how to handle the situation. I'm not saying it's good or bad, but let me put it this way. She is rich and probably has never had to deal with the problems poor people have.


  2. As your friend experienced, the most important part of the education equation is the family. Unless there is great effort to support the child, it doesn't matter what the school is like. That is why you can't compare the results from school where the student tries to get in and has to be admitted versus a school where it is obligated to take in everyone.

    Obama gave a great farewell speech tonight. I am sure the Democrats are sorry that he couldn't have run for another term. I will be writing about what I think of how Obama did in various domestic and foreign issues in the coming weeks.

    Great game last night. Those were the best two teams this season and they showed it. As well as Michigan played most of the season, I don't see them catching up to these two any time soon. Just ask Ohio State!

  3. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Hey I think I picked Clemson to win it, even though I had them playing Washington!

    I actually missed most of the game and fell asleep before the end. I think I've seen the last touchdown, but am not 100% sure. All I've heard is that Clemson scored at the last second or something like that. So Alabama could have won, I guess.

    I recorded the Obama speech. I'm not sure if I'll watch it. I'm still in shock with all the appointments by Trump. The guy isn't even trying to work with the other side. The problem when you do that, is that there will be even more resistance. Maybe he doesn't care and maybe he has some favors to pay back. I don't know. I just have not been very impressed with how he's handled things. I was willing to give him a chance, but I find myself slapping my forehead every time he appoints someone to a position.



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