Sunday, January 22, 2017

I will step back from analyzing the Obama presidency and talk about Trump since he was just inaugurated.  Trump's speech is one of the most pessimistic I have heard.  He talks about American carnage and how America is in the dumps, the country mired in poverty and being ripped off by foreign countries.  Apparently he does not know about crime statistics are falling, the stock market is at all time high and unemployment is low.  That is not to say we don't have a lot of problems.  But compared to the Depression and even eight years ago, we are way better off.  Whatever happened to "we have nothing to fear but fear itself"?

Trump said that he will unite the civilized world against radical Islam terrorists.  Yet he said that NATO and the UN are irrelevant.  He is now moving the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.  So he is angering NATO, UN and the Arabs.  What countries are then in his coalition against the terrorists?  As America looks inward and Trump is applauding nationalism in western Europe, the world will become more dangerous.  I think rise of nationalism has been one of the greatest causes of wars throughout history.  Will our allies trust the U.S. if Trump constantly talk about other countries have to defend themselves?  Will Japan and South Korea build nuclear weapons?  Will Southeast Asian countries and Australia turn more to China?

I find it shocking that Trump's administration is saying that this is the biggest inaugural when there are pictures showing that it is way smaller than recent inaugurals, particular those of Obama.  I guess he thinks that if you say it long enough people will believe it.  I see why he likes Putin.  They are the same, they just keep lying.  Just like most of the world don't believe Putin, soon the rest of the world won't believe the U.S. either.  Trump and Putin have no credibility in the world stage.  Did you see Putin scored bunch of goals in a hockey game?  The defense was worse than one at an NHL all star game.  Nobody will believe that Putin is a skilled player watching that tape.  Almost as bad as Kim Jong Un scoring a hole in one for 18 straight holes.

Then words came out that Trump is not planning on releasing his tax return when the audit is finished.  His mouthpieces go on tv and said that the American people elected him even though he did not release his returns so that means people don't care about it.  Of course when he was campaigning he said he will release them.  Those who took him at his words are also the ones who believe that he will build the wall with Mexican money.  And I am sure Putin does not release his tax return either.

Unlike Mitch McConnelll who said his first priority is to make Obama a one term president, I will give Trump a chance to prove me wrong.  But I am not optimistic about a person who has kinder words for Putin than our European allies, Canada, Mexico and Japan.  One last note:  he says that D.C.  has been a boon not for the American people but for small group of rich people.  Yet his cabinet are full of those kind of people.  I guess they are the ones who will build the wall and get the Mexicans to pay for it.


  1. Anonymous6:07 AM

    I really didn't want to reply to this subject. I think we can expect the unexpected with Trump. I know people who support him and in their minds, he can do no wrong. I scratch my head at the things he says and then does the opposite. I don't want to call him dishonest, but the proof is in the pudding.

    I had read that he wrote his own speech, so I think that most of what he wrote, he believes. Now, I didn't hate his speech. I looked at it as a rallying cry to get people excited for what's to come. So he had to paint a dark picture. This is a classic sales move.

    I'm so sick of trying to analyze him and his cabinet. Maybe that's his plan is to just bombard people into submission so that they don't have fight in them anymore. I don't know.

    Maybe half the country is being bamboozled by the press and what we see and hear with our own eyes is an alternate fact!


  2. I agree that it is useless to analyze his cabinet. I believe a president has the right to appoint anyone who is not a criminal to his cabinet. Having said that a cabinet that is almost all white male tells a lot what he thinks of minorities and women. As I said I will give him a chance to show what he can do. But so far it looks like he is getting out of the Transpacific trade agreement and moving the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Already two things I don't agree with. So will see what the consequences of these two actions.


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