Thursday, June 14, 2018

There is an old joke about political parties:  The Democrats are young people with big hearts but no brains while the GOP are old people with brains but no heart.  I am wondering with 90% approval rating for Trump among Republicans, do they have even brains?  Trump had excused Putin's killings by saying the U.S. killed also.  He also excused Kim's killing as necessary to hold power.  If Obama had said those things, conservatives would say that is un American.  I would agree that would be less patriotic than kneeling during the national anthem.  But the speaker here was Trump, not Obama.  The GOP have fallen in line behind Trump like they have no brains.  Just Tuesday, Trump candidates that won include an obvious racist and a pimp.  Those who said bad things about Trump such as Mark Sanford lost Republican primaries.  So they are going to follow someone who likes dictators and wants to be a dictator.

U.S. border authorities are now prosecuting illegal immigrants under the zero tolerance edict issued by the Trump administration.  Instead of just being deported, illegal immigrants are now prosecuted as criminals and can get months in jail.  Due to lack of court time and judges, they are using group hearings with multiple cases handled in matter of hours, from arraignment to sentencing.  Even conservatives agree that these people don't belong in jail with drug dealers and murderers.  But they claim jail time will deter others from coming.  I doubt that this is true but in any case these prosecutions are taking away resources that maybe used for other crimes.  For example, in San Diego court times and judges are taken away from white collar crimes such as bank and medicare fraud.  If taking away legal rights really deter crimes, then let's streamline white collar crimes prosecutions and make arraignment to sentencing quickly.  If this deters white collar crimes, we will save billions dollars more than prosecuting illegal immigrants.


  1. Anonymous8:03 AM

    I keep hearing about these detention centers where children are being held. This is kind of strange to separate families. We are bordering close to having the camps we had in WWII for the Japanese. I'm interested in seeing the conditions of these children and detention centers. We all know that the camps the Japanese were held were very basic and were not very good. Did I hear that one of the centers is an old KMart?

    I read this morning that the 25% tariff on China was happening. We've heard all these years about unfair trade between China and the U.S. It's great on the surface, that we're doing something about it. However, it's not that simple and now China will retaliate. So both countries are playing chicken and the world economy will probably hurt. Here's a question, will there be tariffs on the Trump neck ties?

    I see that the World Cup started yesterday. This is the first time in a long time that I won't be watching much. I used to pay attention especially since the U.S. team was playing. But somehow, the team did not qualify. I used to root for Italy but they did not qualify as well. Fox Sports has to be kicking itself for bidding on the games, since I'm sure viewership will be down.

    Since everyone is picking Brazil, I will pick France to win it.


  2. I hear some detention centers are good while others are bad. I can understand that certain area are overwhelmed and is difficult to put up good sites quickly. I think in most cases they are better than the conditions the people were in before they came to the U.S. But I don't see why they have to separate the families. That seems to me to be simply intimidation. Even in the internment camps, the children were not separated from the family.

    Trump thinks that countries will not retaliate against the U.S. since they have a trade surplus vs the U.S. and cannot win a trade war. That may be the case with most individual countries. But if China and couple of countries retaliate, there will be a cascade of countries following suit and the U.S. economy will suffer greatly. Heck, if China decides to dump U.S. Treasuries, it will be a disaster. I don't think China will take that drastic step for fear that the whole world economy will not recover for many years. There will be a small retaliation first, then the question will be: Will Trump escalate and put the world in a depression?

    There has been 8 teams that have won the world cup. Italy is not here, so that makes 7 possible winners since I don't think anyone new is going to win. My son is taking Belgium just to be a contrarian. So if a new team were to win I take Sweden since they beat Italy to get in. I always like Brazil's style of attacking football. But it seems defense usually win and Sweden did shut out Italy twice. Of course Sweden's style is boring. The team that has no chance but is the one I am rooting for is Iceland. Got to root for a country with 300,000 people who qualified.

  3. Anonymous11:56 AM

    You have fallen into the liberal habit of demonizing your opposition, which does not suggest any effort to understand differing points of view.

  4. Anonymous5:26 AM

    Hey Anonymous, to say that it's a liberal habit, shows that you don't try to understand differing points of view. You obviously have a different point of view, but both sides do it. To think otherwise, is hypocritical.

    And if you're gonna write in this blog, try to talk about other stuff too instead of attacking Angry Yellow Man and his political views...predict your World Cup winner.


  5. Anonymous says that I am a liberal who demonize my opposition. Not sure what you are referring to since you did not elaborate. Is it because I am rooting for Iceland and thus am demonizing all the super powers in soccer? You don't back up your statement with any facts or at least point out where I am demonizing anyone. I, at least, tried to explain my opinions. All you are doing is categorizing me without explaining yourself.

    Yes, I was a supporter of Obama in the 2008, 2012 elections. But I never demonized McCain or Romney. I didn't have any problems with my friends who supported them. I disagree with many of their policies but I think they are both honorable men. I did not and would not attack them personally. Compare that with Trump's attack on them. So Trump not only demonize liberals but he also demonized a war hero and a stalwart in his own party. So did you called out Trump or did you defended him?


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