Friday, September 28, 2018

The Judiciary committee has voted to pass the Kavanaugh nomination to the full senate.  That was expected given that the GOP has no desire to do a full investigation on the allegations.  I didn't think yesterday's hearing was going to change anything.  I think most people believe that Ford was truthful.  But given no investigation, no other witness called, there was no way to prove Kavanaugh was guilty.  I will admit that in a criminal trial, there is reasonable doubt and so the verdict would be not guilty.  But I think in most people's mind there is reasonable doubt about Kavanaugh's innocence.  I mean, if I see these allegations against him, I would never hire him.

Besides the allegations, I also have a less opinion of Kavanaugh after the hearing yesterday.  I can understand him being angry and feel that he must fight back strongly to keep his nomination going.  After all, it worked for Thomas.  As a white guy, Kavanaugh cannot call this a lynching.  But his opening statement could have been written by Trump.  Basically he was Trump light yesterday.  If nothing else he was playing to Trump and Trump's base.  But for me, he was unnecessary belligerent.  Like when he answered questions about his drinking, he attacked the senator by asking if she drinks and if she gets drunk.  To me, it shows he was losing his composure.  And even if can prove the senator drinks heavily, it does not absolve him of his own heavy drinking.  He kept referring to his accomplishments in academics and athletics.  Again, this just shows arrogance and does not prove anything.  People with great accomplishments have, after all, being proven to be sexual predators.

While being Trump light yesterday, it also shows that the Democrats are right in opposing him with the utmost vigor.  By saying this was all planned by Democrats as revenge for the Clintons and the 2016 election, he becomes another mouthpiece for Trump.  Do you think now there is anyway that a case involving Democrats will get a fair hearing from him on the Supreme Court?  It is one thing to believe that he is an extreme right winger, but his remarks yesterday removed all doubt.


  1. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Well, I didn't watch any of the hearings and only saw snippets of them. I never understood why these things were broadcast, because all it does is make a spectacle of things and there's I doubt anything can happen to some who lies during these things.

    It was an interesting strategy by the justice to come out aggressive. I personally didn't like the tone and thought it was unbecoming of a Supreme Court justice, but I understand the strategy because it fires up the base. It would have been interesting to see if he would have volunteered to take a lie detector, but stupid for him as well.

    I guess we will see what the senate decides next week or the week after. I still think that the system is broken and that the way the justices are set up that they shouldn't be there for life. Let them campaign and have the voters decide. To me, the way that they are nominated by a sitting president is archaic.


  2. Anonymous9:44 AM

    “I mean, if I see allegations like these against him, I would never hire him.” 30+ years of accomplishment and service without even a hint of sexual misbehavior in the face of a single 37 year old uncorroborated accusation that even the accuser’s best friend won’t back up and angry yellow man won’t hire him. Joseph McCarthy would be so proud.


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