Monday, October 29, 2018

It has been a crazy last few days with the shooting at a Kroger store in Kentucky, multiple bombs sent to various people associated with the Democratic cause and CNN, and the tragic shooting in a Jewish synagogue in Pittsburgh.  Unbelievably, there were Trump supporters who had claimed that it was liberals who had sent the bombs to make Trump look bad!  Even now with the perpetrators of these crimes arrested, I am sure that there are still people who think these were all set up and that there was no chance that any of these bombs were going to go off. 

Once again Trump does not take responsibility for his words that might have incited violence.  I did not expect him to do so but I can't believe that he actually blames the media for inciting violence for their attacks on him.  He said that the media is the real enemy of the people.  This is the exact type of rhetoric that is spewed by dictators.  They are the ones who cannot take criticism and attack the free press.  The liberal media never said that the refugees on the caravan are coming to attack the U.S.  The killer who shot up the synagogue heard those false words from Trump and he used those words to justify his killings because the synagogue was part of a group that helped refugees.

Even if Trump is not directly responsible for the violence, at least he can do is pay attention to it.  He tweeted about the Dodgers losing the game Saturday night because Dave Roberts took our Rich Hill.  Leaves it up to Hill to  say that maybe the POTUS have more important things to think about in light of the synagogue tragedy than result of a World Series game.  Hill is absolutely right.  Baseball is not life or death, what happened in Pittsburgh was.


  1. Anonymous10:04 AM

    It's pretty interesting to see how Trump will handle the situation in Pittsburgh. As usual, I don't think he's stopping urging anyone from stopping these crimes (I am lumping the bomb threats here). I keep hearing that the bombs that were sent were not real and that whoever sent them (didn't they catch the guy?) was a left wing plant. Now, maybe this is a lot of denial by people who are supporters of POTUS and truly do not want to face that someone who is on their side could do such heinous crimes. I haven't seen much outrage on the right about these crimes.

    I don't know why people care what Trump tweets. It seems the more people talk about it, the more fuel it adds to the fire. I couldn't care less that he tweeted about the World Series either. As with anything he tweets, it's just unnecessary and his opinions don't mean anything to me. Especially when it comes to sports.

    By the way, I have a friend who's cousin was at the synagogue when it was shot up. Two people next to him were killed and he somehow managed to survive. Whoever this person is that did the shooting should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and charged with terrorism.

    I also believe the person who sent out the bombs (fake or not) should be prosecuted as a terrorist as well.

    What are your comments regarding this caravan of people we keep hearing about? I think I saw that troops are being sent to the border? Will there be mass executions if/when they cross?

    I saw an episode of Bourdain going to a border town in Texas that was right across the river from Mexico. Seemed that the people there got along with their neighbors.


  2. It would be unfair to discuss the situation with the refugee caravan without at least an acknowledgement of the U.S. role in Central America history. We are not totally responsible for the government corruptions, the poverty and violence in that region. But we certainly contributed to the problems. Just like we have propped dictatorial governments in the Middle East in the interest of oil, we have propped up corrupted right wing government in the interests of American corporations in Central America. So we do have at least some blood on our hand in this humanitarian crisis.

    Even if we don't acknowledge our role in Central America, by international norms we should process those claiming refugee status humanely. I hope by employing troops, we will not cause the situation to become more tense and violent. I understand that of the 10,000 who started the trip, about 3,500 are still on the road. So the number that finally arrive may not be much greater than 1500 that the border patrol apprehend at the border each day on the average.

    Politically, this comes at a great time for Trump who can rally his base with this "invasion of foreigners". Interestingly, both sides are accusing the other of financing the caravan. The GOP says that Democrats want to open our border completely and the Democrats say the GOP may have done this to scare the country. I think neither side is correct. But I will not be surprised if someone gave false info that if the migrants make it to the border, they will be let in. If that is the case, who do you think likely have spread this false info?

  3. Anonymous2:20 PM

    So does POTUS look better or worse for sending troops to the border? I guess if there are small numbers, like what you say, then it's a victory because he can say that he prevented more from coming by sending troops. Though I wonder what the political downfall would be if there is violence. I think we'll see the former and it'll help his base.

    I don't know what the U.S. can do in Central America. It's obvious that money will not help since it ends up in the wrong hands. The same can be said about weapons.

    After I posted my previous reply, I saw that Trump was threatening to sign an executive order regarding birthright citizenship. This is a pretty dangerous act and will probably be caught in the courts. Though I guess if he has to do it, then this is the best time since he has SCOTUS numbers.


  4. The caravan is moving at about 2 miles per hour and is estimated to take more than a month before getting to the border. So probably a lot more people will drop out. Interestingly, Shep Smith of Fox News has come out to tell his audience that this caravan is no threat at all and that it is all political. He tells people not to worry about it. So I wonder how Trump's base and Trump himself will react to this unusual fair comment from one of their own?

    Trump said his lawyers told him he could use executive order to get rid of birthright citizenship. I wonder if he would name those lawyers? If they exist, they should be disbarred for lack of understanding of constitutional law. You can't get rid of an amendment by executive order. Even Paul Ryan said that is not possible. I am sure Trump can't do it but he will keep saying it to please his base. By the way I heard that some of Trump's property was used to house Russians who came here to give birth. If this is true, Trump has a lot of explaining to do. Although he would just blame the media.

    These scare tactics about foreigners seem to be working somewhat. Even in California, the GOP seem to be closing the gap on some races that were looking like they would flip to the Democrats. How are the polls running in battleground states like Michigan?


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