Wednesday, April 12, 2006

A recent article in the LA Times bolstered my point about illegal immigrants. (Of course, I wouldn't mention it if it didn't help my arguments.) The article was about the use of immigrants, most of them illegal, to work on the reconstruction of New Orleans. Some of them work for contstruction companies contracted by FEMA. So indirectly our government is the employer of these workers. More about that later. These immigrants came from all over the U.S. or directly from Mexico when they heard there were high paying jobs available in this reconstruction effort. Why didn't the Americans who left after Katrina come back to rebuild their own city? I am sure the companies would not discriminate against Americans. And if they did discrminate against Americans then a lawsuit or complaint to the government would take care of that. Some people have argued that if wages were higher then Americans would do the jobs that illegals are doing today. The situation in New Orleans refutes this argument. Some of these construction jobs are paying $16 an hour. All you need is muscles. Yet few Americans want the jobs. Some say that there is not enough housing so few Americans can come back to work in New Orleans. Yet the immigrants are willing to sleep on floors or even outdoors without plumbing to work on these jobs. So you are going to tell me we can deport 11 million people and take over the jobs they are doing?

As I have said before, building a fence on the Mexico border will not stop the flow the illegal immigrants. It will just be a big expenditure that makes us look xenophobic. By the way, it is a 700 mile fence to be built in hot desert conditions. Who are we going to hire to build this fence? I don't think it will be Americans. Few Americans wanted to work to build the railroads at a time when we had much less luxury in the country. Remember much of the railroads were built by Chinese immigrants, most of them illegals. Unless you are going to double or triple the estimated cost of the fence, you are going to have to hire illegals to build the fence to keep out illegals.

Now, about the govenment hiring illegals indirectly. There was a report on the CBS evening news tonight about government contractors hiring illegal to work on construction at military bases. Now if the government is worried about security with illegals, it should look in its own backyard. You tell me that all these military and government officials who work at these bases couldn't see that all the construction workers were Hispanic and that either all the blacks and whites are too lazy to work there or the company is trying to save money by hiring immigrants? As I said, if there is a demand there will be a supply.

I think ultimately nothing significant will come out of this. The House and the Senate probably won't agree to a compromise. Things will drag out with rhetoric coming out of everywhere. Eventually the mid-term election will pass and this will be forgotten. I know there is no great solution at this time. The guest work program, even if it passes, will only help some in slowing down the illegal flow. Don't worry though, after Regan gave amnesty to illegals some thought that illegal immigration would stop while others thought the world will end. Neither proved to be true. Yet economically I think we are stronger than the 80's despite all our complaints. You know, if all the people in the world would come and live in Texas, the population density of Texas will only be slightly greater than New York city. Hard to believe, eh? We are far from being an economic and population disaster. Every immigration group that have come to this country have contributed to the success of this nation. If there is going to be a downfall to America in the future, it would not be because of immigrants, legal or illegal.

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