Sunday, May 11, 2008

With my advocating for increase in gas tax, one may think that I am a tax-spend liberal. I don't think I am. I favor a flat income tax with no loopholes. Generally I vote against bonds unless I am very sure that it is of great benefit. I especially hate those bonds that are for "public safety". See, people are more likely to vote for increase police, fire and prison fundings because they feel that these are essential. But since they are essential they should come out of the general tax only. But if politicians increase the general tax they get people upset. But by using bonds or special taxes to fund things like police or roads, then they have more for other things which the taxpayers may not want to support.

Another problem I have with revenue enhancement by the government is the hidden taxes they put in things such as phone bills, both landlines and cellular. There are 911 state tax, funding to support Public Utilities Commission, Federal Universal Service fee, etc. Why do I have to support the public utilities commission with a charge on my phone bill? Who voted for that? Certainly not taxpayers. And what service did the federal governmen provided on my phone? By putting stuff like that without our knowledge politicians get away with increasing our tax without telling us.

Now there are some taxes that I am usually for. Cigarette taxes and alcohol taxes can increase for all I care. These are things that cause a lot of human misery but banning them in the past had not work. Maybe taxing them won't change behavior but so what have we got to lose? We should also increase tax on luxury items. Double the tax on gas guzzlers. Close the loophole we have in Calif. where yach buyers can dock it somewhere outside of the state for a few months and then bring the yacht back and do not have to pay sales tax here. If you can afford the million dollar yacht, you can afford the sales tax. So with my various stand on taxes and fees I am sure neither the Democrats or Republicans will ask me to run for office in their parties anytime soon.

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