Monday, May 23, 2011

So the apocalypse did not come! It is incredible how many people actually believed what that crazy guy predicted. Many were actually intelligent people, supposedly. Now you can see why people can be brain-washed into believing anything. This is why you have people committing massive suicide for whatever they believe. It is why people can be convinced into being a suicide bomber. Now I do have to believe that a miracle has happened as the two comments that were missing from my post before the last one have reappeared! This obviously cannot be explained scientifically and thus maybe I have proven there is a God! Or else it is the work of Big Brother.

On DWTS tonight, I believe that Hines Ward did out dance Chelsea Kane and deserve the championship tomorrow. Even though they got the same scores I think Ward had more difficult routines. In particular in the free style, Mark Ballas lifted Kane several times. While that made Ballas look good, he IS the pro. Those lifts cut into the time that Kane is dancing herself. Ward, meanwhile did a great job of dancing and did his lifts well. And as I said before, I think Ward will get more audience votes so the tie score among the judges is all right for him.


  1. Anonymous9:39 AM

    OK, now I remember the comments from the previous blog! That is quite strange and probably will never be explained.

    As far as DWTS, I am glad someone else has the same thoughts as I do. I think it's harder to win as a male because the male is expected to do a lot of the work, like lifts for the freestyle but also the framing and leading. There were seasons where the men were just that much better than the women and have won. I think that Ward deserves to win it. Chelsea Kane did a great job though and Mark Ballas has proven to be a great choreographer. If Kirstie Alley wins it, I will throw my shoe at the television and vow never to watch the show again (though I really only have it going on in the background...cough, cough).


  2. kirstie Alley beating out Chelsea Kane? This is about as bad as Bristol Palin getting into the finals last season. At least they got the winner right. This makes the third Asian to win but does not prove that Asian men can dance. Since Ohno and Ward are both only half Asian,are athletes and are not affected by Hong Kong feet, I say they are not handicapped like me.

    After doing math calculations and consulting the bible like Camping did, I believed that today was the day of the Apocalypse where I become as good a dancer as Hines Ward. I am shocked that this has not happened so I recalculated and find that this will happen in October this year. Well, my chances of being correct is the same as that of Camping!


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