Tuesday, August 02, 2011

I wrote a comment on the previous blog last night but somehow it disappeared. So instead of writing the comment again I may as well write a new blog. Regarding the question about drug companies in trouble because several patents on profitable drugs are due to expire soon and generics will be available, I agree that the drug companies will take a hit now. But don't feel too sorry for them. They have done very well recently with these drugs. If they don't have drugs in the pipeline then it is their own fault since they know this day is coming. I hope this spurs them into finding drugs for less common diseases as we have many choices now for things like diabetes and hypertension. I think it maybe better to try to corner a small market (uncommon disease) than to try to win a big share of a large market (common disease).

Having gone over the main points of the debt deal, I still think that the Republicans won this round. There are only two ways to cut a deficit: decrease spending or increase taxes. It is no compromise when one way is not considered. I don't like to pay more taxes either but it is nonsense to say increase taxes always decrease jobs. We had a tax cut during the Bush era, how well did that worked? Nobody really understands economy so I believe that if things are going bad, just do the opposite as what you are doing now. You see, economy is all about confidence. If you have inflation, increase interest rate. If you have recession, decrease interest rate. Does it work? Who knows? But the fact you did the opposite the rest of the world thinks that the U.S. knows what it is doing. When you are in a recession, you are arguing about debt limit and no tax increase when you had tax decrease at this time? That does not instill confidence in the world which means worse economy for the world and for us.

Another way you can see the Republicans won is that 68% of Republicans voted for the bill but only 50% of Democrats voted for it. Boehner and McCopnnell looked a lot happier than Reid and Pelosi! The super committee of 6 Republicans and Democrats will not work anything out. And if they did the Congress will not support it. We had the Simpson and Bowles Commission which had some very good ideas but that didn't get anywhere. They should have the courage to adopt Simpson/Bowles and we would be better off. I had said after the 2010 election that nothing is going to be done in the next two years. This debt deal is worse than nothing done. It was a crisis that was self-made. Nothing is going to be done with this super committee and nothing good will come out of this Congress next year either.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:46 AM

    I think big brother is watching you again!

    I was actually thinking the same thing on my way to work about how the GOP managed to get a better deal with the debt deal. Obviously both sides were not happy but I am, for one, just glad that the extremists were most unhappy.

    Nobody wants to compromise but in this case, from what I've seen of the deal is that it's a settlement and compromise on both sides. I for one supported scaling back some of the tax breaks on big oil which it looks like wasn't done.

    I often wondered what would happen if you just reversed what you were doing if things weren't going correctly. It's a simple answer but because the economy is so complicated that I don't think will work. There are just too many factors and of course, politics will just ruin any efforts.

    I wondered why there wasn't a bi-partisan committee before all this. It seems that they kind of formed an informal group in the last two days and took informal votes behind closed doors.

    Why couldn't they have used that independent task force of economists (I forget the name of it) ahead of time instead of waiting until the last minute?

    Simply put, politics. Well, you say that nothing will get done this next year and you may be right. The pessimist in me says nothing will get done because of politics, but I have a feeling we will get some legislation done because both sides know that they won't get re-elected if nothing gets done. They have to show some progress is being made in Washington to their constituents.

    Hope I am right.



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