Wednesday, September 07, 2011

I didn't get to watch most of the Republican debate tonight. I guess there was not anything earth shocking that occurred. The only thing that caught my attention was that Romney attacked Perry of saying social security is a ponzi scheme. Perry did not back away from that statement and reiterated it. I agree with Romney that this a major blunder that would be a big issue in the general election. Add to the fact that Perry at least did not refute the idea of Texas seceding from the Union, I think this certainly make Romney the more electable Republican candidate. I had thought that with Perry in the race, Romney would have to move more to the right to win the nomination but I think Romney realizes that he cannot out-right Perry and would instead show that Perry is too extreme. If this works, Romney will be a more formidable candidate against Obama next year.

Tomorrow is Obama's speech. I wonder if anybody will be watching with the start of the NFL! I don't have high expectations for this either. As I said before, there is not much any president can do to ensure the economy will improve. Otherwise they will all have done it and we would never be in a recession! As good of a speaker Obama is, he has not galvanize the country to his side so far so there is no reason this will be any different. Anyways, the Republican will go against whatever he says. Obviously he will use that against the Republicans but he doesn't have to announce that he will use that against the Republicans BEFORE he even spoke! This strikes as just a political ploy. So I will watch the speech but pay more attention to the football game as will most of the country.


  1. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Wow, it's been a while since you last wrote. Did you catch the part of the debate where Perry criticized the economy in Massachusetts after Romney took office and Romney came back and told him the same happened in Texas when he took over?

    I got a chance to watch part of Obama's speech and thought it was pretty good. You are right though that not much will get done. I guess there's always hope but we'll see.

    Even better was the game where there was lots of scoring, which I find fun. Speaking of lots of scoring, did you catch the Michigan/Notre Dame game?

    What is your opinion on these teams? Are they as good as their offenses or are their defenses that bad?


  2. I was going to write another blog about tonight's debate but I will just respond to your comment instead. I didn't watch the whole thing but it seems that the audience was all Tea Party people which means they seemed to applaud Perry and Bachmann more than Romney. Perry was still the main target and I thought Bachmann did much better than last time as she landed a few blows on Perry. She was particularly good at hammering Perry on the Texas mandate for HPV vaccine. Romney and Perry will fight until the end about their job records with Perry saying that Romney did worse than Dukakis while Romney will continue to say that Perry did worse than Bush. Romney continued to attack Perry on social security. But if the Tea Party controls the Republicans then this may backfire for Romney even though he is right that this issue is a loser for Perry in the general election.

    Obama's speech was good. It did cause Boehner and Cantor to say that there are areas of agreements. But I still doubt that much would pass. There was not much about housing and I think in order for the economy to have significant recovery, there must be improvement in the housing market. But Obama is pretty silent on that. It is probably because he thinks the Republicans would hammer him for trying to help people who shouldn't be owning homes!

    Well despite the great win, I am not optimistic that M is a very good team. I think they are better than last year but the defense is still poor. Somehow Notre Dame let them back into this game. I think Notre Dame has more talent but how do you explain 9 turnovers in 2 games? A better gauge will come when ND plays MSU this week. Even though ND is probably not as good as MSU, I would not be shocked if they beat MSU. They will be at home and if they don't turn it over, it can easily happen. Such is college football today!


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