Sunday, September 02, 2012

So the Republican convention is now over. I have not seen any new polls out yet, so it is hard to say what effect the convention had on the voters. Most of the time a convention gives its candidate a boost for a short period of time. I would expect that to be the case of here and then after the Democratic convention we will probably be at the same level again. This is going down to the wire for sure!

I think Ann Romney did her job the best among the speakers. She was supposed to make Mitt more likeable and I think she did that. Chris Christie fired away as expected but I don't think he did a good job for Romney. First of all he spent most of the first half of his speech talking about himself as if he is angling for 2016 already. After Ann had talked about love, Christie went on about wanting respect rather that love. This kind of cancel each other on Tuesday. Paul Ryan fired up the base and acted as the pit bull as expected. He had lots of inaccuracies as pointed out by neutral pundits such as Medicare cut backs and unemployment rate. So overall I think he was only B or B+ as best. Romney did all right but did not hit a home run as the Republicans claimed. He had nothing specific to say and I think he wasted time in the beginning introducing himself which others, especially Ann, had done for him already. He also started late and ran late thanks to Clint Eastwood.

Speaking of Eastwood, how did he aged so fast? This can't be the Dirty Harry we used to love! His effort of being a comedian was as successful as Jackie Chan would have trying to do romance. Was it not 6 months or so ago that Republicans were complaining that Eastwood was doing a commercial for Obama on the Super Bowl? Now we can see how paranoid they are given Eastwood is such a staunch conservative. On the other hand, if you are a conspiracy theorist, you may say that Eastwood did it on purpose to screw up Romney's big night. In that case, you would also have to say that the Romney campaign was not very good in not screening Eastwood to make sure he is not Dirty!

Now about minorities in the party. They did wheel out Rubio and Rice. I missed their speeches. I will assume they did well. But Rubio can only help with the Cuban vote which Romney already has. As I said before, he would not help with other Latinos, especially Mexicans who are different politically than Cubans. Before Rice spoke, a Republican analyst on CNN said that Rice proves to the country that the Republicans are not all white country club people. Well, Rice just got into Augusta, her expertise is Russian history, she played tennis and the piano, she was also a figure skater. I don't know if you can get any more white country club than her!

The convention is not just speeches. One of the most important thing that is done is voting for a party platform. This seems to be hidden out of sight. Nobody talked about it on tv. A reporter from the local paper (not LA Times) wrote about some of it. I don't have time to check if all of these are true but some are obviously true. Like against abortion without exception even in case of rape or save the life of the mother, same stand as Todd Akin. Some members have proudly call this the most conservative platform in history. It is so out of touch with majority of Americans that the Republican national chairman had to say that this is the party platform, not Romney's platform. This makes it important to ask: what parts of the platform is Romney against? Voters have the right to know? This should be asked by the Democrats next week. Also should be asked: Having said what he did not like about Obama's policies, what policies of Bush does Romney like or dislike?

Now it is the Democrats' turn. I am sure I will find things to criticize next week. On thing I can predict: that they will not send out an aging Hollywood star to speak without an approved script.


  1. Anonymous6:59 AM

    I think I saw a slight up-tick for Romney last week, but not as great as I anticipated.

    I didn't watch much of the convention. I find them boring and self serving. They do nothing to inform the public about anything.

    I actually didn't find Ann Romney's speech that great. She kept referring Mitt as "this man", which to me, didn't personalize it. She wasn't a great speaker and you could tell she was reading.

    I got to see Eastwood's speech on the internet. It was definitely interesting. I'm not sure where he was coming from and if I were part of the GOP, it would have made me cringe.

    However, as an outsider, I thought it was entertaining. I'm just not sure why they asked him to speak.

    Eastwood has some interesting stances politically. He's pretty fiscally conservative but is socially liberal, supposedly.

    I watched some of Romney's speech and was quite disappointed. I just don't know what his stances are and who he is as a person.

    I think that I would have that problem, no matter what, since he's been a waffler. Since he has the nomination, I was hoping he'd become more centrist as the election got closer.

    I really believe that he's more moderate than conservative, so he really doesn't have to win over the Tea Party anymore, since he's already nominated.


  2. I think there is very little change with the polls because most people have already made up their mind. There are only 6-7% who are undecided and if you are still undecided at this point, it will take something dramatic to put you on one side or the other. So these few people who are going to decide the election will make their mind probably at the polling booth. So it is going all the way to the wire!

    Given the closeness of the race the 3 debates actually may make more of a difference than the conventions. I agree that Romney is more centrist than he lets out. But if he does not show that in the debates, i think the differences between the two will be extreme.

    Will write in couple of days after the Democratic convention although I don't think I will get any great insight from it.

  3. Anonymous5:59 AM

    Actually watched Michelle Obama's speech and was very impressed. Her speech was what I thought Ann Romney's speech should have been.

    The Democrats were also touting Julian Castro, the mayor of San Antonio. He and his brother are interesting men and his speech was decent too.

    You are right, it is coming down to the wire.



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