Monday, August 05, 2013

News:  Alex Rodriguez suspended till 2015.  It is about time and well deserved.  The only problem with the suspension given to A Rod and Ryan Braun is that they have such big contracts that they will get millions after the suspension is over.  Even if  a life time ban is too harsh, I think that voiding the rest of the contract is an appropriate punishment.  If one got better stats from peds which led to big contracts, then those contracts should be voided.  The player should have to prove his worth without peds to get another contract.

Sure the integrity of the game is important.  But I worry about the use of steroids by big stars is driving the use of these drugs among young athletes.  A Rod and others are still idolized by young athletes and seeing them prosper even after getting caught will do nothing to deter the youngsters from trying peds. 

From the previous blog comments:  I don't think that Rand Paul will win the nomination but he will make it difficult for any moderate to win.  I agree that Christie is a good candidate.  I don't think Rubio can win either.  He is a LINO--Latino in name only as oppose to RINO--Republican in name only, the term given to moderates by the extremists in the Republican party.  So I don't think Rubio will win the majority of the Hispanic votes.  I doubt Huntsman will run again as he is too moderate for his party and he does not have the blue state appeal of Christie.  Christie vs Clinton is still the best matchup.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:18 AM

    So are these drugs illegal? If so, then whoever uses them should be put in jail. If not, then maybe they should be. That's the only thing I think that will knock down usage.

    Plus, every sport should have frequent drug testing so that players can't cheat.

    Oh and the doctors that administer the drugs or supply them should go to jail as well.



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