Tuesday, April 26, 2016

It looks like Trump and Clinton are going to be the nominee of their respective parties after tonight's primary results.  With Trump sweeping all five states by big margins, I don't see how the GOP will be able to deny him at the convention even if falls short of the majority.  It does not seem like any strategy Cruz, Kasich and the establishment tries has work at all against Trump.  I guess there are a lot of angry Republicans out there.  They just want to punch out the established politicians.  I don't think Trump can beat Clinton.  But if he does win, I say to those angry Republicans:  Be afraid of what you asked for!

San Francisco police officer Jason Lai was found to be sending racist text to fellow officers and others.  This is really appalling.  Even if Lai himself had not been victim of prejudice, I am sure he had family members who were victims.  So now he is in a position of power, he looks down on other people?  Having just witnessed the Peter Liang situation, I am wonder what this is going to do in recruiting of Asians in law enforcement and if this hurt the good Asian cops out there.


  1. Anonymous12:56 PM

    I saw that Cruz has Fiorina as his running mate. Interesting move, though I don't know if it'll help him much. Do you think Trump will have Christie? Apparently, Christie's wife was making faces or a face during a Trump rally.

    I had not heard of the Officer Lai situation. Pretty sad to hear. This kind of bias is all over and inexcusable for police officers. It's this type of stuff that makes people not trust the police.

    I ran into this in regards to Lai.



  2. No chance of Fiorina being any help to Cruz. If he is thinking that she can help in California, he is badly mistaken. Fiorina was crushed in her attempt to win a senate seat in California. Cruz and Fiorina were both unpopular with their colleagues. So this will be one of the most unlikeable ticket of all time!

    I don't see Christie being on Trump's ticket. I have no idea why Christie would hang himself out to ridicule by endorsing Trump. Both are bombastic and would kill each other if they had to work together. I think Kasich would be a good vp choice for either Cruz or Trump. But if Kasich really believes in his own ideas and policies, I don't see how he can work with those two.

    The blog you mentioned said pretty much the same thing as in CNN where I read about this originally. This has to be a hot potato for the Chinese American mayor of SF, Ed Lee.


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