Sunday, November 20, 2016

I understand that there are many people who are happy to see Trump get elected.  I can understand the people who hated Clinton and voted for what they think is the less of two evils.  But there are people who are gleeful that Trump won.  Among them are David Duke and the white nationalists movement.  On the international front there are also supporters of Trump.  Among them are Putin, Kim Jong-Un  and Robert Mugabe.  I am not saying that Trump is like any of these people but you have to wonder why they are so happy that he is elected.

Romney met with Trump to supposedly discuss about Romney becoming secretary of state.  I had said in the past that I would be ok with McCain or Romney becoming president because they are honorable men.  If Romney takes a cabinet position in Trump's administration, my opinion of Romney will take a big dive.  After all he called Trump a fraud and that Trump will lead to trickle down racism.  This is a person he is willing to work for?  After Trump called him a disaster candidate and that Romney would have knelt down if Trump had asked him to?  Come on Mitt, have a little backbone.


  1. Anonymous9:46 AM

    I was a little surprised that Romney met with Trump. Though I would have voted for Romney (if he ran vs. Clinton and Trump as a 3rd option), the guy is a career politician and will take every opportunity for a photo op. I can't imagine that he'll get a shot at a spot on the administration. But things are a little different with Trump's decisions, so who knows.

    I was more surprised during the election to hear that McCain was voting for Trump after all the things he said about him. I already read somewhere that he is going to oppose any legislation by Trump to continue water boarding. It'll be interesting to see this power struggle and who comes out on top. I will side with McCain on this one.

    So, I'm surprised you haven't talked about your favorite show, DWTS. I heard that it's the final tonight. I will try to watch it, but I have some fantasy football matchups tonight and will be watching Monday Night Football closely.

    I guess I'll stick with the gymnast to win it and race car guy to come in 2nd. They both deserve it and have big followings. I would have picked Johnson to come in 2nd had he scored better last week, but I think that'll be the difference.

    I heard last week that the really pretty girl that is not the gymnast is from Michigan. I would have rooted for her earlier! I just don't know if she has the following to get her to the top in viewer votes.


  2. I don't know what is the deal with McCain. I was surprised when he supported Bush after the Bush campaign smeared him with an ad suggesting that he had fathered a black child outside of marriage. It was particularly successful in the South Carolina primary and stopped McCain's momentum. I think McCain has an extreme sense of loyalty. That made him a hero as a POW where he refused to cooperate with the enemy. But that sense of loyalty is misguided, I think, when you place political party over ethics. Water boarding is close to his heart but will he oppose Trump as strongly in other issues where he knows Trump is wrong?

    I agree with your assessment of your favorite show. I agree with your top two and they both deserve to win. I think the gymnast is probably more well known. Calvin Johnson at his best is as good as those two but he has been inconsistent. So I don't think he deserves to win. I don't know what that other woman does and I wonder if many people do either. She is very good but not as good as the top two.

    Happy Thanksgiving everybody!


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