Sunday, March 05, 2017

Trump wants to increase funding to the military and ICE.  The GOP want small government but is willing to spend money in areas with poor returns.  We already spend more than the next ten highest nation combined for the military.  Trump says that this will convince other nations to know that we are the most powerful.  If we can't convince them now with what we have, increasing the military budget further will not convince them.  In fact, everybody from Russia to China know we are the most powerful.  But if Afghanistan and Iraq have taught us anything, it is that powerful military by itself does not ensure good outcome.  The pentagaon is probably the most wasteful branch of our government so I would think trying to decrease waste is more important than pouring in more money.

Giving more money to ICE is also a waste given that the inflow of undocumented immigrants is down.  Besides, didn't Trump say a wall will solve the problem?  By the way the wall is going to cost a lot more than Trump lets on.  And of course, Mexico will not pay for it.  So we are going to spend a lot more money on areas that will not make us safer but will decrease funding for our domestic problems. 

Trump calls for journalists to give names of their sources.  He calls all bad news about him fake news.  But now he says Obama wire tapped him but gives no source or evidence.  So it seems that Trump is providing fake news.  This is obviously an attempt to distract from his own problems.  Instead of the buck stops here, it is being deflected here!


  1. Anonymous11:45 AM

    It's just more of the same. Shifting money from one source to the other. Maybe he's gearing up for a war so he's going to stockpile resources for it. If so, maybe he thinks that's the only way he can unite the country. And I'm sure a good amount of people will fall for it.

    I am in favor of a strong military and I think our service people need the best and most advanced weaponry available. That said, I don't know if cost is no object. Have you seen the amount of money it takes to build these new ships and advanced weapons?

    Unfortunately, the pentagon is caught in a no-win situation, because the contractors can charge whatever it can because if the weapons or ships or planes are that good, then they've got to have it.

    I'd prefer that the money go to helping vets and education. Trump says he wants to spend all this money on infrastructure, which is great, but where does the money come from? Slashing EPA funds and other social services won't do it. Do we have Mexico pay for it? I kid of course. But the math doesn't add up. He talks about slashing taxes for the middle class and the rich. Does that mean the poor has to pay more? I don't get it.

    It's possible that Trump's phones were tapped. I won't say they weren't, but maybe the Russians did it! It's gotten to the point that everything I read and watch on TV, I take with a grain of salt.

    I'm trying to maintain a level head on what's going on with the White House and politics in general. Though sometimes it's hard. When joking about the Sessions rumors, a co-worker of mine, who is a Trump supporter, said that it was all fake news.

    And then I found out that the wife of my cousin is a Trump supporter. I don't know if my cousin is or not. But the wife is quite vocal about it and about being anti-Obama. It surprised me because I've always liked her. And hey, it's fine that people are pro Trump. But I shake my head at people who are not willing to listen to the other side.

    I happened to see that the new season of DWTS contestants are out. I'm going to just predict that the gymnast is going to win it!


  2. The Pentagon is not in a no win situation. Many of the equipment are overpriced. Some of the so called sophisticated weapons or planes are not working the way they are supposed to be. There is also a lot of politics involved so that a congressman is always lobbying for something that is build in his district, whether it is useful or not. The peeve of conservatives is that government officials don't look at the prices because it is not their own money. But the government branch that is most like by conservatives is also the one least watching the prices.

    The FBI is coming out against Trump's allegation about Obama. But do the Trump supporters say that Trump's tweet on this is fake news? Of course not. I know some people who are smart and quite reasonable in many things that are Trump supporters. I don't have problems with that. We will see what happens in 4 years.

    Since you are the biggest fan of DWTS, I will agree with you. Who is the gymnast?

  3. Anonymous6:57 AM

    I think the gymnast is named Simone Biles. If I recall correctly, she was the best of the gymnasts in the all around. The only thing is I don't know think her partner has won the mirror ball yet.

    What I meant by the Pentagon in a no-win situation is that it's pressured to buy these new planes. There is supposed negotiation on pricing, but the pressure to get these things built doesn't help with bringing cost down. If the Pentagon decided to not pay for advanced weapons, then there would be huge backlash from lobbyists.

    I actually think we are coming from the same side. Though I don't blame the Pentagon. I blame the politicians and contractors. We've heard talk all these years that we need to be better at spending on defense, but it hasn't happened as far as cost of products go. Obama may have slashed the budget, but the Pentagon is still overpaying for things. And yes, it's buying weapons that don't work 100% of the time, which to me, is not fiscally responsible.



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