Sunday, May 13, 2018

A few days ago Trump greeted the three Korean Americans released by North Korea as their plane landed.  It made for a great photo and tv op for Trump.  He even said that is the all time high rating for 3 a.m.  He maybe right about that.  At least one of the man required an interpreter when answering questions from the media and talking with Trump.  I think Trump is thinking:  I thought the prisoners were Americans!  It didn't matter, he will take any victory at this point.

This shows that Kim, like most dictators, are rational and cunning.  He did not change from a man who killed his uncle and brother and many of his countryman to a man who releases prisoners because he is compassionate.  He knows that Trump likes to be praised and get big ratings, so he gave him those.  Noticed the support Trump gave Saudi Arabia after he was lavished with praise when visiting there.  Kim, rightly believes, that he will get a better deal if he makes Trump look good.   He will promise to get rid of the nuclear program in exchange for rid of sanctions and get economic help.  But he will never really give up his nukes.

Kim won't give up his nukes because it is his only assurance for survival.  No country has ever given nuclear weapons after it has fully developed them.  After Trump backed out of the Iran deal, Kim will never trust the U.S. on any deal.  He will try to get as much as possible and may stop the nuclear program for awhile, but he will never give it up.  There maybe a deal between the U.S. and North Korea after Trump and Kim meet.  But the deal will not be as good as the Iran deal.  But Trump will claim victory no matter what.


  1. Anonymous6:56 AM

    The running joke is that Trump asked where the Americans were when the 3 got off the plane, but of course we know that he knew they were of Korean descent. Maybe this is the new world order, where our enemies are now our allies and old allies will become new enemies. I just hope for peace and if this is the way to obtain it, so be it. Maybe Kim has seen the light and has changed. Remember that he was young when he took over so maybe he's maturing and sees that life with peace is better. Now, we heard that he has invited people to see the destruction of his nuke facility. I have a hard time believing that this is the lone facility and that he will stop creating bombs. Maybe he has a stockpile he can use at some point, if he chooses. You're right though, that it would be unwise to not have them to use as a threat.

    So I give props to the POTUS if he can create some peace out there. However, I don't know if backing this Israeli move today is helping anything in the middle east. Though I hear that this will be ceremonial only and that most everything will be normal and run from Tel Aviv.

    What are your thoughts about the staffer saying McCain will die soon? Even though it's a rude thing to say, the thoughts of the staffer are her own and based on the hatred on both sides, does it really matter? Let public opinion judge the staffer and the administration on how they handle this. We already know this administration will say and do anything without a care for how the public perceives it.

    I am a fan of McCain and wish him well. If he can somehow survive this cancer and keep serving, it's a great thing. But if he passes away, I wonder who the citizens of Arizona will elect. Will they elect a Trump backer or someone in the mold of McCain or a Tea Party member? I predict that it'll go to someone who is affiliated with the Tea Party.


  2. I doubt that Kim has changed. He is blowing up a test facility. But North Korea already has had many successful tests so even if they stopped making bombs, they can restart any time. The knowledge cannot be negotiated away. Iran was at least a year away when the deal was struck. It will take longer to restart and then do testing before they are a nuclear power. North Korea will always be a nuclear power even if they stopped making bombs because they already have the knowledge and experience.

    But if Trump can get a reasonable deal, I will give him credit. It is easy to criticize any deal as the GOP has done with the Iran deal. For example, they said in 10 years Iran can restart the program. A lot of things can happen in 10 years, like the U.S. pulling out of the deal! If Trump reaches a deal with Kim, I will criticize it only if it is worse than the Iran deal.

    The Jerusalem move is another unforced error by Trump. If everything is going to be run from Tel Aviv anyway, why the change to Jerusalem other than to aggravate the Arab world? I am sure the Americans who work at the embassy prefer to be in Tel Aviv instead of Jerusalem.

    The staffer was stupid to make a joke about McCain. But no apology from the White House is worse. But of course, this from a president who said he likes heroes who were not captured. Worse than that is the Trump supporter who claimed that torture worked on McCain because McCain caved. This is not only fake news but malicious falsehood that should be condemned by Trump and everyone in the country. McCain is a great war hero who proved that torture does not work on those who truly believes in their cause. Maybe we should talk about Trump's war records!

    It will be interesting who will replace McCain and also Jeff Flake, who is not running for reelection. I liked Flake, who is a moderate Republican who has a better world view as he spent a lot of time outside of the country. It would be a shame if those two are replaced by Tea Party members. I don't think Arizona will turn blue soon but with the demographic projections, it will eventually turn democratic, I believe in 6 to 10 years.


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