Monday, March 18, 2019

All over the news the last few days was the college admission cheating scandal.  It is big news because rich and famous people are involved.  I am appalled by the revelations but I am not that surprised.  I would bet that some of the people who paid to get their kids admitted to elite schools are at the same time against affirmative action.

I am against affirmative action by race.  But I am for affirmative action based on economic status.  That is the least colleges can do to try to even the playing field.  As you can see, rich folks already have affirmative action for themselves.  They have had back doors and side doors to get in.  Poor folks should have a door somewhere open for them.

It has always been known that at elite colleges there is a back door where rich alums can get their kids in if they are not qualified to go in thru the front door.  This door is known as legacy admits.  There is also a back door for athletes in non revenue generating sports which mostly rich people can participate in.  Golf and tennis are the old examples among others.  Now you can add rowing which has teams in inland schools that are nowhere near water.  You think any inner city kids can play these sports growing up?  So by giving scholarships and lowering  admission standards for people who play in these sports, you are essentially giving affirmative action to rich people and maybe those of upper middle class.

So while white conservatives questioned whether Obama got into Harvard Law School by affirmative action, I will say with 100% certainty that George Bush and Trump got into their schools by white affirmative action or the backdoor.  Trump wanted to see Obama's grades.  At the same time he had Cohen threaten his high school and college not to release his grades.  He also threatened the College Board not to release his SAT scores.  You can't get decent SAT scores after going to elite private schools?  You still need to get in thru the backdoor?  You are so hypocritical that you complain about minority affirmative action?

Many years ago when my future wife was a student at a east LA junior college, a counselor offered to drive a few minority students to UC Santa Barbara so they can experience what a four year college was like.  It opened my wife's eye to an institution that was almost all white at the time.  After the scandal came out the LA Times published an article about some of the minority students at that same junior college are in a club so that they can learn how to transfer to four year colleges.  This club seemed to be the descendant of that trip from many years ago.  The interviews in the article point out that it is still an uphill battle for the students of this college.  They were disheartened but not surprised about the admission scandal.

It seems interesting to me that in many of the cases, the mother of the student is indicted but not their equally famous husband.   See Huffman and Laughlin.  It seems to be similar to cases where the mother is blamed in pushing the kids too hard.  Asian mothers are called tiger moms.  But no name for the dads even though I am sure the fathers are pushing the kids hard as well.  In case of cheating, wouldn't the father be just as guilty?  But since women are blamed here, I suggest that they be called kangaroo moms since they keep their young in their pouches and not let them be independent.  If they don't get what they want, they get "hopping" mad!

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