Thursday, July 25, 2019

After watching all 8 hours of the Mueller testimony in Congress.  Just kidding, I only watched small parts of it.  Who would sit through all that?  I did watch the analyzes afterward on CNN.  So I know that not very many minds were changed.  See, nobody on either side or the middle would sit through the hearings.  If they follow it at all, it would be to watch the news channels afterwards.  I watch CNN, the leftists would watch MSNBC and the rightists would watch Fox News.  So everybody would have listened to the same preacher as before.  So the opinions of the nation will change little.

Mueller pretty much did not deviate from what he said in the report.  I think there are some points from the testimony that the Democrats can use if they seek impeachment.  But impeachment is a bad idea anyway as I mentioned before.  Basically, Mueller punted to Congress and the people.  The Congress will not do anything as the GOP controls the Senate.  So it is up to the people to do something.  The people can return the punt for a TD if they resoundingly vote out Trump in 2020.

Mueller did give the opinion that after Trump leaves office, he can be prosecuted.  So if we get a Democratic president in office in 2021, will we hear the chant of "Lock him up"?


  1. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Before yesterday, I didn't think much would happen to sway people. And I think I am correct on that. Whatever people believe, they aren't going to change their minds. These things have gotten to be dog and pony shows. It seems to me that the only congressional hearing that seemed to do anything was when Jon Stewart testified for the 911 service people. And that was nicely executed by Stewart. Because without his speech and emotion, we probably don't see much in the news about it.

    I am a little surprised that Rand Paul tried to block the funding. I know where he is coming from and I know it's part of his stance on things, but it was a big gamble on his part because it just made him look unsympathetic. Especially with it passing overwhelmingly.

    As far as Mueller and the democrats go. I don't know if they were counting anything from this. I guess they can still use some of the implied statements during his testimony, but it probably won't move any needles. Personally, I wonder if all the candidates are following polling or research numbers because the people who I talk to think they're hammering the wrong issues and it makes it look like they're out of touch.

    I understand that they're trying to hit on progressive issues to get the far left, but eventually they're going to have to hit on other issues because we'll see Trump attack those more socialist issues.

    I guess my question to you is, could a candidate run on non progressive issues and win the candidacy? I would think that Biden would have done so, but he seems too prepared and is playing defense. I think he, like Trump, is better off script. I still haven't seen anything from any of the other candidates that make me think they'll beat Trump.


  2. The left wing of the Democratic party is louder than the centrists right now. They may also hijack the party as the Tea party had done to the GOP. But I think Pelosi, will rein the party back. It is funny how Pelosi, who was once the crazy leftist of the party, is now the voice of reason to the centrists.

    Yes, I do think that a centrist like Biden can win on non progressive issues. Medicare for all and free college tuition are two examples of not favored by majority of Americans. The left cannot will with these types of issues. Nor can they use impeachment to further their cause. Biden just have to put out policies on healthcare, education and foreign affairs that are reasonable and speak to majority of Americans.

    I see the progressives in the field to narrow to Sanders and Warren to battle Biden. The bad news for Democrats is that all three are old. Do they have the energy to fight all the way to the White House? Will young people turn out for them? So it is essential whoever wins the nomination to select a young person to be the running mate.


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