Monday, August 05, 2019

Three massive killings in less than a week!  Massive shootings have become so common that we are almost numb to it.  That should never be the case in a civilized society.  But three in a row in such a short time, with all three perpetrated by young white men, makes me wonder if there is going to be even more frequent tragedies in the near future.

Trump and the Republicans are going to point to mental health as the reason for these shootings.  As I said before, if you believe that, you will have to admit that Americans are crazier than everybody else in the world.  Given the percentage of shootings by young white men, you will also have to admit that young white men are crazier than other ethnic groups.  I choose to believe the easy access to guns is the main factor.

But Trump is also a factor given his rhetoric.  The Republicans are going to strongly disagree with this.  But if I turn it around and say, what if Obama used the same rhetoric about white people as Trump did about people of color.  And what if black men started shooting all over the place after posting manifestos against white people.  Would the Republicans blame Obama?  I bet they would.  B

There is a similarity between young Muslim men who join terrorist groups and young white men who join white supremacist groups.  Usually they feel isolated, lonely and that the world is against them.  Both groups are easily convinced by bad people to join a cause.  They feel being part of something greater than they have in their own world.  We need to get to these young men before the bad guys do, otherwise tragedies are bound to happen.  Trump is not like the bad Muslim clerics who call for killings.  But his rhetoric is encouraging white supremacist groups which will lead to more violence.

There is one big difference.  When a Muslim commits any act of terrorism, there are calls by Trump and others to ban Muslims.  When a white man commits an act of terrorism, nobody calls for banning white people.  Do you think this difference makes it easier for Muslim terrorists to recruit?


  1. Anonymous8:17 PM

    I am surprised that they caught the guy in Texas and he didn't get killed like every other domestic terrorist. Do these guys expect to die or do you think they think they'll get away with it and not get caught?

    I don't know what it'll take to get things fixed. I mean, if it's a mental illness, why aren't there other people like this in other countries? Should there be some kind of health care for people who have this illness? How can it even be diagnosed?

    So the democrats are blaming McConnell for stopping legislation. This guy has done so much for the GOP that there will probably be a statue put up for him. I wonder what direction the party will go when he leaves office.

    Has there been a person of color who has been a domestic terrorist? The only ones I can think of are the sniper killers near Washington DC.


  2. I wonder if the guy was black or Muslim, would the cops have shot him? I like to think that the cops were good and they acted calmly and arrested him without violence. But you have to wonder after cops have killed blacks more frequently in other encounters.

    Trump blamed mental illness, the internet, video games, everything but guns and his own rhetoric. I think they play more video games in Asia than here. The internet is in every country. So again, those are absurd things to blame. So instead of decreasing guns, Trump wants to stop people from playing video games and going on the internet? Stupid arguments!

    While most perpetrators are white males, there are others. I can think off hand the Asian guy who killed people in Virginia Tech. There was also the Muslim husband and wife team who killed in San Bernardino not long ago. I am sure there are others that I have forgotten. So it is not just a white male problem. It is a problem of hate groups that target certain people they can recruit, many with mental issues. It is a problem of the proliferation of guns.


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