Sunday, February 23, 2020

American intelligence has found that Russia is trying to meddle in the U.S. presidential election coming up.  Not surprisingly, it has found that Russia is trying to help Trump win.  What is interesting is that it also found that Russia is trying to help Bernie Sanders win.  So why would they try to help two people at the opposite end of the political spectrum?

Putin is again trying to help Trump because he is very happy with the result of his meddling four years ago.  Obviously, he figured that Trump would not be as tough on him as Clinton would have been.  He has been right.  Time and again, Trump has turned his back on his own intelligence and claim that Russia has not try to meddle.  You can almost say that Trump admires Putin, as well as other dictators.  In fact, based on what he has been doing,  it looks as Trump wants to be a dictator himself.

So why does Putin want to help Sanders?  I don't think it is because he thinks Sanders will turn the country into communist as Trump argues.  I think he wants Sanders to win the Democratic nomination because he thinks that Sanders will be the weakest opponent for Trump.  He is not rooting for the socialist to win he is rooting for the socialist to lose the general election.  I can guarantee that if Sanders is the nominee, Putin will stop helping him against Trump.

I saw Sanders on 60 Minutes tonight.  He added a new social program on his agenda.  Free universal childcare till age of 4.  Add this to his other programs: Medicare for all, free college tuition, forgiving student debt etc,  While most people may say that healthcare is a right, I don't think most people think that college or childcare is a right.  Also he doesn't tell you how much each of these programs will cost.  To pay for this program, he says the same thing he says about the other programs:  tax the billionaires.  Most Americans are not going to want to go to the same well for everything.  Pretty soon most Americans will be on the side of billionaires against Sanders.

There is an old saying:  the enemy of my enemy is my friend.  In the case of Trump and less so with Sanders, I think a friend of our enemy (Putin) is our enemy!


  1. Anonymous1:35 PM

    I missed the 60 Minutes interview. If Sanders was smart, he would back off the far left talk as it gets closer to the convention and the election (if he is the nominee). I tend to think that some of his ideas are too radical for some people and they will not vote for him.

    Do you think all the nominees will stay in the race until the convention? Can we assume that if Warren decides to stop running that she would back Sanders? My guess is that it'll come down to Sanders and Biden. Both guys need help from the black vote to win the election. Sanders has an advantage with young people and Biden polls better with moderates.


  2. We will see how the debate goes tonight and how South Carolina votes. Biden needs to win big in South Carolina or he may be be out. This is his firewall. If Sanders come within 3-4 points of Biden in heavily black South Carolina, Biden is in deep trouble. Who can stop Sanders then? Pete and Klobuchar are both weak with the African American vote. For the moderates, Biden needs to win big and Warren needs to be reasonably close to Sanders. So look for everybody to attack Sanders tonight.

    They and Trump will point to the 60 Minutes interview where Sanders also said that despite being authoritarian, Castro did some good things in Cuba. He points to education and medical care that Cuba did well under Castro. This has brought out bipartisan condemnation against Sanders. This will hurt him in the debates and in the general election if he is the nominee.

    This is unfair to Sanders. It is easy to say that Castro was bad for Cuba. But all Sanders is saying that he did do some good things. The education and medical system in Cuba are the best in Latin America. Cuba sends doctors to many places in the Western Hemisphere to help. Lots of Cuba refugees in Florida were doctors from Cuba. A classmate of mine in medical school was the son of such medical doctor. I would say that Castro did better than Mao in China. If there was no blockaded of Cuba by the U.S. and if Cuba has its own Hong Kong to be the middle man to world trade, I bet Cuba would have done much better economically. So I see Sanders' point and is too bad people are so rigid in their thinking. It is always easy to attack Cuba, China and Russia politically. Unless you are Trump, then somehow you can't attack Russia even when it is acting badly.

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