Tuesday, June 01, 2021

 More than 4 months after Biden had been sworn in as president, there are still many out there who thinks that Trump will be reinstated as president.  In fact some are calling for the overthrow of the government in a military coup similar to the one in Myanmar recently.  Among those who said that a coup is possible are Sidney Powell, former attorney of Trump, and Michael Flynn the retired general.

I know an ordinary citizen calling for a coup is not something you may want to prosecute.  After all, that are many people who have been seduced by the false narrative that Biden stole the election.   But a former general has to be held to a higher standard.  Flynn had taken an oath to defend the U.S. and for him to make up lies against the government and advocating a coup is borderline treason.  He tried to walk that back but it is similar to the time when Trump changed what he said to "Why wouldn't it be Russia?"

In this country, the civilian president is the Commander In Chief of the military.  So the military cannot overthrow the government.  So anyone planning a coup is committing treason.  But I guess a lot of the Trump supporter don't know or believe that.  They rather have the U.S. become a third world country where coups can overthrow the civilian government.  Maybe they should move to Myanmar!


  1. Anonymous1:41 PM

    I thought it was interesting that Flynn backed off his comments he made that were caught on video. So he's just going to add to the lies with more lies? What does that say to the people who were in attendance when he talked about the coup?

    There was something on CNN about how all these Qanon followers were winning public office seats and one of them was a lady who ran for school board in Grand Blanc Michigan. She tried to delete all her posts about the conspiracies but of course, they were saved by people. She then tried to say she didn't remember any of the posts. The CNN report also talked about Tito Ortiz, the MMA fighter who was mayor pro tem somewhere in California. He and his girlfriend had posted during the pandemic about how they would not wear masks and they were sending their children to school without them. He apparently got a lot of backlash and has now stepped down from city council.

    Pretty interesting what is going on in Israel. We all thought that Ben started the violence on the strip because he was about to lose power, right? Somehow and amazingly, that backfired on him and it'll be interesting to see how this new power dynamic will work. I hear that the guy that might take over is close to him, but ended up on the coalition to remove him.


  2. The midterm election next year will be very important. If the Democrats do not keep both the House and the Senate, then the conspiracy theorists will be even more vocal in saying that the 2020 election was stolen. They will point to the laws restricting voting as prove that there was fraud in 2020. This is going to be a tough fight due to the voting suppressing laws being passed, gerrymandering, and the fact that the party in the White House tend to lose seats in a midterm.

    They are going to get rid of Netanyahu but the coalition formed to oust him is a big mess. I don't know how this will work as I think a more extremist than Netanyahu is going to be prime minister first and then the more centrist guy follows later. Regardless, I don't see improvement in the situation in the near future and the idea of a two state solution seems to be still just a dream decades later.


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