Friday, June 24, 2022

 Roe v Wade was overturned today by the Supreme Court.  This was not surprising given that the ruling was leaked several weeks ago.  Still it is a day of infamy in  American democracy.  Look, I am not for abortion but this is about the right of women.  Let's been frank.  If men are the ones who get pregnant, there will be no laws restriction abortion.  Birth controls would have been invented long ago and we would not only have plan B but also plans C, D, and E today.

This overturn of Roe v Wade demonstrate that elections have big consequences.  Trump appointed three of the justices that voted for the overturn.  He will be a hero to the conservatives just for this alone.  Majority of the country want to keep abortion legal.  Yet a guy who got less popular votes than his opponent single handily change the law of the land.  Well, he did have help from Mitch McConnell who helped the GOP steal two of those three justice seats.  So it is imperative that we get out the vote to keep the slim Senate control in November and keep the White House in 2024.  

Even if are able to accomplish that, it maybe years before we can overturn this decision.  On another note, there is gun legislation that looks to be passed.  Still, it will not go as far as the majority of the country want.  So this begs the question:  If majority of the people cannot get what we want by voting, how free are we really?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:00 PM

    No surprise the SCOTUS ruled this way. It was evident once Trump took over that this would happen. Maybe the whole justice selection is archaic. It's become political. Maybe there should be term limits or maybe since it's already political, we should just have the people elect them instead of being appointed.

    As far as the debate about abortion goes, all I am willing to say is that I am glad I am not a woman who will ever have to make that decision. I also, don't know if my significant other were to ever get pregnant that I would hope that we could decide on our own if we'd keep it or abort it.

    All I know is that some of these people who are so called Pro Life have politicized it. Once they get abortion banned, what are their solutions for these children who are born and given up for adoption? I bet most of them don't care about these kids or are willing to help them.

    By the way, I recently read this column by Kareem regarding Herschel Walker. I understand why Walker is popular, but he is so under qualified that I can't believe we live in a world that he is the nominee for the GOP.



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