Friday, July 22, 2022

 Watched the hearings last night because I thought it was the finale and they will give the final conclusion.  Well, this is a few things I learned:

There will be a sequel in September!  With new witnesses and facts.  So stay tuned.

It was almost all Republicans who testified against Trump.  Those people will be attacked.  Some was already last night.  

They should have people like Hannity testify why they advised Trump to stop the riot when it was going on.  They have been silenced since and even accused the Committee as a witch hunt.  They seem to believe it was a disaster when it was happening but no big deal now.  Last night FOX didn't even air the hearing.

Trump told McCarthy that it was Antifa that was rioting, not his supporters.  If that is the case, I would think he would have ordered the military to stop it quickly.  But he let it go on.  McCarthy and Trump got into a swearing contest.  But McCarthy is kissing Trump's butt today.

Trump looked stupid and weak while trying to make videos to address the nation.  I am surprised these tapes were kept.

Pence's Secret Service people were fearing for their lives.  These people were supposedly brave enough to die to save the person they were guarding.  But the texts from Trump's Secret Service details were erased, and looks to be done so after they were asked for.  It is hard to believe that the texts were erased accidentally.  Lots of theories out there.  I believe that some of the agents were either supportive of the rioters or some of them did not want to protect Trump because he is a traitor to the country.  Either case, it shows the danger our democracy is in.


  1. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Finally getting around to replying to your blog. I didn't watch much of the prime time hearing but did notice the next day that there was footage of a senator or congressman who was pumping up the crowd and later they showed him running for his life. If only these hearings were as entertaining as this, I might watch. I am interested to see how many of these politicians up for election in November will win if they say they think Jan. 6 was nothing but a peaceful gathering.

    I also heard that there was another politician who voted against some bill that would help protect gay marriages who went to his gay son's wedding just days after voting against the bill. I'm surprised the son didn't uninvite him!


  2. The coward who ran for his life from the mob that he egged on was Josh Hawley, the same guy who went to Hong Kong to support the rioters. Yes, Representative Glenn Thompson of Pennsylvania attended his gay son's wedding shortly after voting against same sex marriage.

    But the guy who takes the cake as the most hypocritical is Republican Congressman Scott DesJariais of Tennessee. This guy ran on "100%" against abortion but was heard on tape urging his mistress to get an abortion. His wife also had two abortions. Even with these revelations, his constituents kept voting him back into office. That is the moral standard of his district.


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